
MaltaPost Warns About Scam Messages

Jan 6 2024 Share

MaltaPost has raised alarm bells regarding a recent SMS scam that unfortunately has resulted in several individuals falling prey to theft.

The fraudulent message, beginning with, “Post Office – We regret to inform you that due to a missing address, we are unable to deliver your package,” falsely asserts that a package is awaiting delivery but is presently stalled due to an address mix-up.

Recipients of the deceptive SMS are then prompted to complete a form, which cunningly requests their bank details. “Answer Y, then exit the message, reopen the link to launch the link, or copy the link and leave the link open,” the message instructs.

Reports from individuals who have been victimized by the scam reveal that, upon providing the requested information, including their bank details, an automatic deduction of €500 is made from their bank accounts.

Despite the SMS scam masquerading as communication from MaltaPost, a critical indicator of its deceitful nature is the email address, typically a nonsensical assortment of letters, paired with an @icloud.com domain address. This divergence from MaltaPost’s legitimate communication channels signals that the message is not authentically from MaltaPost but is part of a deceptive ploy crafted to deceive and defraud unsuspecting individuals.

MaltaPost urges the public to remain vigilant, exercise caution, and refrain from divulging personal information in response to unsolicited messages.


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Meet Jo Etienne Abela: The Potential New Health Minister from Gozo

Jan 6 2024 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela is set to unveil a refreshed cabinet. As reported by sources close to Malta Daily, the reshuffle is poised to introduce new faces, including the potential appointment of a new Health Minister.

Amidst this unfolding scenario, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne is anticipated to step down from his role as the Health portfolio head, having held the position for eight years. Speculation surrounds Fearne’s potential transition to Brussels for a prominent role in the European Commission.

As Malta navigates the selection of a new EU Commissioner to succeed Helena Dalli who is poised to become the next President of Malta, a standout candidate for the crucial role of Health Minister emerges in the form of Jo-Etienne Abela.

Born in Gozo on November 29, Jo Etienne Abela is a seasoned medical professional with a distinguished career trajectory.

Abela’s educational journey took him through Sir Arturo Mercieca Primary School, Ninu Cremona – Junior Lyceum Complex, and sixth form at Sir Michelangelo Refalo, all within Gozo. He pursued medicine and surgery at the University of Malta from 1993 to 1999, subsequently practicing as a medical doctor at St Luke’s Hospital.

In 2003, Abela furthered his studies in Scotland, where he achieved the noteworthy status of being the youngest surgeon in the entire country while specializing in esophageal and pancreatic surgery. Returning to Malta in 2012, he commenced work at Mater Dei Hospital, Gozo Hospital, and served as a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta.

Professor Jo Etienne Abela’s contributions extend beyond clinical practice, holding administrative roles such as Deputy Head of the Department of Surgery and Lead Clinician in the High Dependency Unit, endoscopy, and pancreatic disease. Additionally, he serves as an International Surgical Training (IST) instructor at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh and is an examiner in surgery for both the Royal College and the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS).

Notably, Minister Abela was honored with the prestigious College International Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, becoming the second Maltese recipient after President Emeritus Censu Tabone.

Having contested and got elected in the General Election of March 2022, Jo Etienne Abela was appointed Minister for Active Ageing in Prime Minister Robert Abela’s government.


Sudanese Involved In Paceville Altercation Denied Bail

Jan 6 2024 Share

Ahmed Adam Idriss Albarjo, a 30-year-old Sudanese national residing in Żejtun, has been charged in connection with the widely publicized New Year’s Eve incident in Paceville, where he was filmed being kicked and beaten by bouncers.

Albarjo appeared in court and pleaded not guilty to a charge of causing slight injuries to Riald Gragjevi, a 21-year-old Albanian bouncer involved in the altercation.

The charge specifies the alleged use of a sharp or pointed instrument. Gragjevi, one of the alleged assailants, was arraigned on Thursday, while another bouncer, Ryan Zammit, faced charges on Friday for injuring Albarjo.

Both Gragjevi and Zammit were denied bail, with authorities keeping them in police custody as investigations unfold.

The incident gained widespread attention when a video, captured by an eyewitness, circulated online, depicting the brutal assault on Albarjo. In response to the charges, Albarjo claimed that he had thrown a piece of glass at the bouncers in self-defense. Gragjevi, on the other hand, argued that he struck Albarjo in self-defense after the latter threw a bottle at him.

In addition to the charges related to the altercation, Albarjo faces accusations of wilful breach of public peace. Despite his plea, he was also denied bail during his court appearance on Saturday morning.

Inspector Brian Xuereb led the prosecution, while lawyer Roberta Bonello represented Albarjo. Lawyers Shazoo Ghaznavi and Jessica Formosa appeared as parte civile in the proceedings.

The court proceedings were presided over by Magistrate Yana Mucallef Stafrace.


Reshuffle: Chris Fearne Will Not Remain Health Minister

Jan 6 2024 Share

In a notable development, Prime Minister Robert Abela is orchestrating a cabinet reshuffle at his office in Castille, as revealed by sources close to Malta Daily and emerging reports this morning. Cabinet members have been summoned to Abela’s office at Valletta’s Auberge de Castille, hinting at the unveiling of a potentially revamped executive team that may introduce new faces to the forefront.

This reshuffle holds significant weight, with indications pointing towards the potential reassignment or replacement of current ministers and junior ministers within the cabinet. This marks the first such restructuring since the 2022 general election, a pivotal moment in Malta’s political landscape.

As the terms of Malta’s President and EU Commissioner approach expiration this year, intriguing dynamics are at play within the political arena. According to reliable sources close to Malta Daily, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne is expected to relinquish control of the Health portfolio, a role he has held for eight years. Speculation suggests this move aligns with Fearne’s possible transition to Brussels, with an imminent role in the European Commission.

With the European Commission’s tenure concluding this year, Malta faces the task of nominating a new EU Commissioner to succeed Helena Dalli. Fearne, having lost the Labour leadership race to Abela in 2020, emerges as a prime contender for this influential position.

In the event of Fearne’s departure, Minister for Active Ageing Jo-Etienne Abela, a fellow medical professional, stands out as a strong candidate for the role of Health Minister.

Further insights from Malta Daily sources indicate that Helena Dalli may return to Malta to assume the position of President of the Republic, succeeding George Vella as his term concludes.
