Malta will be starting its journey towards a return to normality in a month’s time – Abela

Nov 29 2020 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela has announced this morning that in a month’s time, Malta will be starting its journey towards returning to normality.

This comes after the announcement made during the week during a live Q&A, that the COVID-19 vaccine is expected to arrive in Malta in around 3-4 weeks.

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Hospitals in the UK expecting COVID-19 vaccines in around 10 days

Nov 29 2020 Share

Hospitals in the UK have been told that the coronavirus vaccine should be distributed to them “in as little as 10 days’ time”, around 7, 8 or 9 December.

Healthcare workers, people aged 70+ and people at very high risk of contracting coronavirus due to health problems are to be given high priority.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also appointed a new minister to take charge of the coronavirus vaccine rollout, to oversee the distribution of the vaccines.


Funeral worker loses job after taking a selfie with Maradona’s body

Nov 29 2020 Share

A selfie of a funeral worker by Diego Maradona’s body in his open coffin started circulating on Thursday and quickly sparked international outrage.

Maradona’s lawyers were quick to take legal action and the funeral worker was quickly identified and fired from his job.


Outburst of gas at Daniels shopping complex in Ħamrun

Nov 29 2020 Share

At around 8pm on Saturday 28th November, Daniels Shopping Complex in Hamrun had an outburst of gas from a refrigerator.

The Civil Protection and Police personnel were called and helped evacuate the building and even closed the street to cars.

There were no injuries reported but there was one person who required some medical attention.
