Malta will be one of the first countries to receive the COVID-19 vaccine

Nov 25 2020 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela has announced that Malta will be one of the first countries to receive the COVID-19 vaccine around the beginning of January.

This was announced during tonight’s Live Q&A.


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Frontliners to receive COVID-19 vaccine first

Nov 25 2020 Share

During tonight’s Live Q&A, Prime Minister Robert Abela has announced that Malta will be one of the first countries to receive the COVID-19 vaccine around the beginning of January.

He added that the frontliners will be the first to get vaccinated, while assuring that there will be enough COVID-19 vaccines for the whole population of Malta.


Malta to receive COVID-19 vaccine in the beginning of January

Nov 25 2020 Share

During tonight’s Live Q&A, Prime Minister Robert Abela has announced that the COVID-19 vaccine should be available in Malta around the beginning of January.

Abela added that the COVID-19 vaccine will not be mandatory, and the Maltese people will be able to decide for themselves whether they should get vaccinated or not.


Billie Eilish makes history by releasing first-ever infinite music video

Nov 25 2020 Share

In celebration of reaching one billion views on her ‘Bad Guy’ music video, YouTube has partnered up with singer-songwriter Billie Eilish to create the first ever ‘infinite’ music video. 

The video connects thousands upon thousands of bad guy covers and allows viewers to mix and match with AI programming allowing you to jump from one video to another without losing a beat.

The site can be accessed via and features covers from all around the world in multiple genres.


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