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Malta to receive Pfizer vaccine ‘within weeks’, says Fearne

Nov 10 2020 Share

Follow the news of Pfizer and BioNTech’s massive progress in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine, Health Minister Chris Fearne has announced that Malta will be receiving the ‘90% effective vaccine’ within days of its release.

It is reported that the European Union is working on a contract to procure 300 million doses of the vaccine.

Fearne also stressed the fact that there are some more tests to be carried out to confirm safety and effectivity, going on to say that first priority will be given to front-liners and the vulnerable.


After divorce allegations, Melania Trump accuses husband’s ex-helper of ‘lashing out’ at her

Nov 9 2020 Share

The spokeswoman for Melania Trump said she barely knew the former assistant her husband, Omarosa Manigault Newman, who said that she was ‘repulsed’  and was waiting to divorce Donal Trump. 

Trump’s ex-political adviser, Omarosa Manigault Newman, said the relationship between the pair was over and Melania was only waiting for the President to lose control before leaving him. 

TV show host Lorraine Kelly also told the former Apprentice contestant that Melania was ‘repulsed’ by her husband.


Madame Tussauds redressed Donald Trump’s statue from his presidential suit to a golfing outfit

Nov 9 2020 Share

After he was predicted to win the state of Pennsylvania, Joe Biden was confirmed as the president-elect, putting the Democrat over the 270 electoral college points needed to win the presidency. 

After it was reported that he would leave the White House in January, Madame Tussauds wasted no time adjusting the Trump waxwork and dressed him up to play his favorite pass time.

The museum had a little laugh on Instagram at Trump’s expense:”His campaign may not have been a hole in one, but Donald Trump is now on course to dedicate more of his time to his favourite sport


First flight completed by Virgin Hyperloop with real passengers

Nov 9 2020 Share

On Sunday in Las Vegas, Virgin Hyperloop took the first ride on its test track, but it will be years until the public can actually take a high-speed ride on a hyperloop. 

A hyperloop is an unproven method of transport in which individuals ride at speeds as high as 600 mph in a car in a vacuum tube. Magnetic levitation is part of the Virgin system, much like that used in advanced high-speed rail projects in Japan and Germany.

Magnetic levitation raises a rail car over a track, as the magnets drive the train upward like poles. As the poles repel and drive the train forward, the magnets also propel the train, and the opposite poles attract and drag the train forward. Since the 1970s, magnetic levitation has been used on several train systems.
