Malta has registered a record-breaking amount of daily cases at 582, bringing up the number of active cases to a whopping 2991.
The last time Malta registered more than 500 daily cases was on the 10th of March 2021 at 510 cases.
Yesterday’s registered daily cases also breaks the second highest record with 386 new cases.
Two people, aged 52 and 53, sadly passed away due to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours.
Despite these worrying numbers, hospitalisation remains significantly low, with 47 patients currently being treated at Mater Dei, 4 of whom being in the ITU.
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne had emphasised how hospitalisations are the main factor to consider at this point given the vaccination rollout.
Health authorities are pushing for people to get their booster shot to curb the spike which is dominating Europe. Till yesterday, 1,019,517 doses of the vaccine were administered, 177,989 of which were booster shots.
Photo Source: Wikipedia, Sahha