Malta registers highest government debt since 2014

Malta registers highest government debt since 2014
Oct 22 2022 Share

The National Statistics Office has revealed that Malta’s debt for the year 2021 rose to €8.3 billion, equating to 56.3% of the GDP. The year before, government debt stood at 53.3%, with this year’s figure being the highest since 2014.

The European Union’s Maastricht criteria stipulate that the proportion of Government Gross Debt with the GDP must not exceed 60% by the end of the preceding fiscal year.

However, Malta’s deficit for 2021 stood at 7.8% of the GDP, a figure which is far higher than that stipulated within the Maastricht criteria; Malta’s deficit was the highest across the European Union last year. Deficit for 2021 stood at €1.1 billion, an improvement of €81.9 million when compared to deficit of the previous year.


Photo Source: Polina Kovaleva

Free Wi-Fi across Malta & LSEs at post-secondary level among PN’s pre-budget proposals

Free Wi-Fi across Malta & LSEs at post-secondary level among PN's pre-budget proposals
Oct 22 2022 Share

On Monday 24th October, Minister for Finance and Employment Clyde Caruana will announce the Malta Budget for 2023, proposing a set of socio-economic measures which aim to reach all facets of Maltese society.

Ahead of Monday’s Budget event, the Nationalist Party has presented a set of pre-budget proposals. Amongst other proposals, the party proposed nation-wide free Wi-Fi access as well as free Wi-Fi for elderly who could not otherwise afford the service.

Right to access has become a hot topic across the globe, with many arguing that access to the internet is a basic human right and countries. In this regard, Estonia has become a model of connectivity, with free and open internet access.

Meanwhile, the Nationalist Party has also proposed the introduction of Learning Support Educators across the country at a post-secondary level. In 2021, Malta registered the highest-ever number of students requiring assistance for ADHD and Dyslexia in history with a total of 679 students requesting EEAs during their O Level exams.

Check out this episode of Malta Daily SHORTS to find out more:

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Joe Biden intends on running 2024 U.S. election at the age of 82

Joe Biden intends on running 2024 U.S. election at the age of 82
Oct 22 2022 Share

Joe Biden, the oldest-ever U.S. President, has revealed that he intends to run for president once again in 2024, with his wife Jill stating that he shouldn’t ‘walk away’.

“I have not made that formal decision but it’s my intention, my intention to run again, and we have time to make that decision,” the POTUS told MSNBC. Currently aged 79, Biden will be 82 years old when the next election comes around.

During his interview, Biden called himself “a great respecter of fate” with his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, reportedly backing the decision for her husband to run once again.

Biden, who would be 86 years old by the time he finishes his second term, hinted that a Donald Trump election campaign might be the key motivator to running for president once again.

The 47th U.S. President has revealed that he has not yet announced the decision explicitly as doing so would change his legal status, kicking in a series of regulations by which he would have to treat himself as a candidate from that moment on.

Should Biden run for president once again?


Robert Arrigo carried by PN members as hundreds attend funeral

Robert Arrigo carried by PN members as hundreds attend funeral
Oct 22 2022 Share

Nationalist MP and former PN Deputy Leader Robert Arrigo’s funeral was held this morning at the St. Julian’s parish church.

Adrian Delia, Alex Borg, Joe Giglio, Darren Carabott were amongst the Nationalist Party members carrying the coffin as the beloved PN veteran was laid to rest earlier today.

Arrigo sadly passed away at the age of 67, having been fighting cancer for the past months and receiving chemotherapy at Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre.

The politician first broke into public life when he was elected Sliema Mayor in 1994, going on to be elected to Parliament in 2003 and remaining active up until the last election, where he was elected on two electoral districts.

Beyond politics, Arrigo was also notably President of the Sliema Wanderers Football club for a number of years.

