Released every single year since 2009 on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia (IDAHOBIT), the ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map ranks all 49 European countries on a scale between 0% (gross violations & discrimination) and 100% (respect of human rights & full equality) based on LGBTI rights in Europe.
In 2021, Malta ranked first for the sixth year in a row with a score of 94%, with Belgium coming second at 74% and Luxembourg third at 72%, highlighting the countries’ stance on policy and laws based on six thematic categories: equality and non-discrimination; family; hate crime and hate speech; legal gender recognition and bodily integrity; civil society space; and asylum.
However, this year’s rainbow map also shines a light on a much-needed reboot on LGBTI rights in Europe due to a prevalent and evident stand-still, where many governments are at a juncture when choosing ‘the right way forward’ accord to ILGA-Europe. While countries such as Finland, Portugal and Albania have moved up in rankings, it is only due to small changes in policy, while Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia have remained in the bottom three for another year.