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Malta Paralympic Team Doctor Gives Behind The Scenes Look

Malta Paralympic Team Doctor Gives Behind The Scenes Look
Aug 29 2024 Share

Here’s a sneak peek of the journey towards the Paris 2024 Paralympics from the team accompanying Maltese representatives Maja Theuma & Antonio Flores.

In a video uploaded by Danica Bonello Spiteri, the team doctor, it shows the prepping of Paralympian Maja as she prepares to dive into the pool for a grasp at the top medals.

We also see Danica’s good care of the Paralympic athletes, keeping them well looked after as they compete at the highest levels of their respective sport.


Nationalist Party Calls For Independent Inquiry Into Nicolette Ghirxi Femicide

Aug 29 2024 Share

The Nationalist Party have released a statement asking for there to be an independent inquiry into the femicide of Nicolette Ghirxi in order to fully know whether the State fulfilled it’s obligations to protect her life.

The PN’s position was also reiterated by shadow ministers Paula Mifsud Bonnici and Graziella Attard Previ in a press conference. The two stated that the Nationalist Party’s and Nicolette Ghirxi’s family’s request for an independent inquiry should not only cover social services but every aspect.

The shadow ministers argued that only through an Independent Inquiry can we ensure that improvements are made and that other women are protected before it’s too late.

However, they also stressed that after the inquiry, it is crucial to see that the necessary changes are implemented with full commitment.

During the press conference, the Nationalist Party representatives also  pointed out that authorities had stated certain aspects of the case could not be discussed publicly due to ongoing investigations. Yet, sensitive information, including private documents signed by the victim, was released to the public.

The Opposition Party also requested that the inquiry’s findings and report be immediately published to the public, if an independent inquiry was to happen.

The Nationalist Party also makes it clear that such independent inquiry sessions should be held in public. The Maltese public has the right to be informed, and the government has an obligation to provide information on what will be established during these hearings.

As of right now the Government has launched an inquiry board chaired by Emeritus Judge Lawrence Quintano into the femicide of Nicolette Ghirxi. The Labour Party have also come out against the Nationalist Party, stating that the Opposition are trying to turn a tragic case into a political argument.

They also reminded the PN that there are currently two ongoing investigations, the one chaired by Emeritus Judge Lawrence Quintano as well as the investigation conducted by the independent Police complaints board.


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68 Little Turtles Hatch From Ramla L-Ħamra Nest

68 Little Turtles Hatch From Ramla L-Ħamra Nest
Aug 29 2024 Share

68 hatchlings emerged and found their way to the sea at Ramla l-Ħamra, which is the 3rd nest discovered on a local bay.

Wildlife Rescue Team Malta explained that during the previous 2 days movement was noticed underneath the sand.

‘However no one was expecting the hatching to occur on Day 46, on what was probably one of the most energy-filled nights atmospherically.’

Nest 3 was laid on the 13th of July, after the turtle had tried nesting a couple of nights before without success.’

The nest will continue to be monotirood for a few more nights in case any stragglers are yet to emerge.


Boy Accidentally Smashes 3,500-Year-Old Jar On Museum Visit

Aug 29 2024 Share

A rare 3,500-year-old jar was accidentally smashed by a four-year-old boy during a visit to the Hecht Museum in Haifa, Israel. The jar, dating back to the Bronze Age (2200-1500 BC), had been displayed near the museum’s entrance without protective glass, as the museum believes in showcasing artifacts “without obstructions” to enhance their charm.

The boy’s father, Alex, explained that his son, curious about the jar’s contents, tugged on it slightly, causing it to fall and shatter. Initially in shock, Alex said he couldn’t believe his son was responsible but quickly calmed him and informed security. The museum, recognizing the incident as an accident, invited the family back for a guided tour.

Despite the mishap, the museum intends to maintain its practice of displaying items without barriers. The jar, once used for storing supplies like wine and olive oil in the Canaan region, will be restored by conservation experts and returned to its place. Though the family feels relieved that it will be repaired, Alex acknowledged that it will never quite be the same. The Hecht Museum remains committed to providing an immersive experience, displaying rare artifacts in their most authentic form.

