Mandy Mallia, sister of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has stated that Malta has “failed Daphne yet again, but above all, it has failed itself.”
This comes after the Labour Party’s recently-announced electoral victory, the third consecutive general election win since they first got elected in 2013 with a significant majority, during which Joseph Muscat was Labour Party leader.

In a subsequent comment, Caruana Galizia’s sister Mandy Mallia stated that “It goes without saying that the fight for justice for Daphne and for her stories will go on until all the bastards are where they belong: behind bars for as long as possible.”
The 2022 general election is the first election to take place after the 2017 murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the case which shook Malta to its core and raised concerns about the stability of Malta’s climate with multiple corruption scandals being unveiled throughout the years.