Malta finally makes it onto the UK’s green list

Malta finally makes it onto the UK’s green list
Jun 24 2021 Share

Malta has been added to the UK’s quarantine-free green list this evening following an update to the country’s rules on foreign travel. This means that tourists coming from the UK will not have to adhere to mandatory quarantine, making Malta a very tempting option for Britons seeking a summer holiday. This comes after Malta failed to make it onto the list twice before despite having the lowest case and death rates in Europe, herd immunity and one of the fastest vaccination rollouts.

Malta’s Minister for Tourism, Clayton Bartolo took to social media this evening to welcome this decision, stating that while this is a good news for the Maltese islands, people’s health will always remain a top priority. Malta was added alongside Madeira, the Balearic Islands and several UK overseas territories.


Silverstone Grand Prix set to welcome 140,000 spectators

Silverstone to welcome full crowd for British Grand Prix
Jun 24 2021 Share

In a statement, it was confirmed by Formula 1 that the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on July 18th will operate at a full capacity, with close to 140,000 spectators expected to attend.

The Silverstone Grand Prix will take place just a day before coronavirus restrictions are set to be lifted in the UK, but a full crowd will still be allowed since the Grand Prix organisers secured test event status for the weekend’s racing – where ticket holders will be asked for a proof of full vaccination or a negative rapid test taken within 48 hours of arrival at Silverstone.

In the past year Silverstone staged two behind-closed-door races due to the covid-19 pandemic but have since been working closely together with the government and the local health officials to have fans return safely.

The Silverstone Grand Prix is part of the British government Event Research Programme which is being conducted on the weekend of July 16-18, to determine how large-capacity events can be safely held as pandemic restrictions are eased.


Sex Education Season 3 streaming 17th September on Netflix

Sex Education Season 3 streaming 17th September on Netflix
Jun 24 2021 Share

Season 3 of fan-favourite Sex Education has been confirmed for streaming on 17th September 2021! The show will see the return of our favourite cast of characters in all new Moordale uniforms, new faces and Maeve rocking a dip-dyed fringe.

Following Season 2’s exciting cliff-hanger, Season 3 will hopefully address all the plot points fans have been dying to get closure on. It will also hopefully get to introduce new storylines with all-new characters.

Consisting of 8 episodes to match Seasons 1 and 2, the description reads ‘Aimee discovers feminism, Jackson gets a crush and a lot voicemail still looms.’ This tease is goosebump inducing enough by itself!


Photo Source: Netflix UK and Ireland

Maltese considered as first language by 97% of population

Maltese considered as first language by 97% of population
Jun 24 2021 Share

97% of Maltese adults with citizenship consider Maltese as their first language. A survey published Thursday and as reported by The Malta Independent saw the participation of around 1,025 people between the ages of 18 and 80. The survey was carried out by the National Council for the Maltese Language and the Department of Maltese within the University of Malta in collaboration with the National Statistics Office.

Maltese was found to have remained prevalent when considering that a lot of communication is being done in English. 7% of the respondents stated they spent over 5 years living abroad in English-speaking countries. Despite being a bilingual country, Maltese use remains strong even in youths. This is a positive sign for the future.

A majority thought that governmental websites and pamphlets should be published in both Maltese and English. English was found to be preferred over Maltese in very restricted scenarios, such as writing formal letters, emails, card writings, book reading and listening music. Half of the respondents said they speak Maltese only on the workplace, with 4% stating they speak exclusively English.

75% of the respondents said they speak to their children in Maltese (as opposed to English speaking 5%). 64% said they attend theatre productions held only in Maltese and 80% thought Maltese music should be given more airtime on local radio stations. Interestingly enough, 57% agreed Maltese was easier to speak and understand than English.


Photo Source: iStock