The Malta Film Commissioner, Johann Grech, has issued a response following allegations that he edited a controversial clip related to Sir Ridley Scott’s remarks about Malta. The remarks, initially made in the context of promoting the upcoming film Gladiator II, sparked a media uproar due to Scott’s candid comments about not considering Malta as a holiday destination.
Background of the Controversy
Sir Ridley Scott’s remarks were reported in several major outlets, including The Guardian, Business Insider, and Politico. In an interview, Scott humorously compared Malta with Morocco, a key competitor for film production, implying he would not personally visit Malta for leisure. These comments were met with mixed reactions, with some interpreting them as harmless banter, while others viewed them as detrimental to Malta’s image as a tourist and film-friendly location.
Adding to the controversy, Johann Grech was accused of manipulating the narrative by editing a clip that excluded Scott’s reference to Morocco. Critics claimed this was an attempt to present Malta in a better light while omitting important context.
Johann Grech’s Statement
Taking to his personal social media, Grech addressed the allegations:
“Kulħadd għandu opinjoni. Imma l-fatti jibqgħu fatti. Huwa ‘fake news’ dak li intqal li jiena… “edited out” biex jiġi immanipulat il-messaġġ. Fil-post tiegħi tat-23 ta’ Diċembru 2024, ipproduċejjt l-istess produzzjoni li ġiet ippubblikata fil-paġna ta’ Gladiator. Neħħejt ir-referenza għall-Marokk li huwa kompetitur tagħna. Għax bħala Kummissarju tal-Films ta’ pajjiż, l-interess ewlieni tiegħi huwa li nħajjar l-investiment barrani fil-films jiġi lejn Malta, u nippromovi l-industrija tal-films ta’ pajjiżna li tant inħobb. Qed nippubblika ż-żewġ posts flimkien, ħalli l-fatti jibqgħu fatti, u l-opinjoni tkun ibbażata fuq il-verità.”
Grech clarified that he shared an already edited video which was officially posted on the official Gladiator page, and that the only edit he produced from this clip was to remove the reference to Morocco – to prioritise Malta’s interests as a competitive film production location. Grech published both the original and edited versions of the clip, inviting the public to review the content and form their opinions based on factual evidence rather than speculation.