Malta dodges intense storm; heavy winds are still expected

Malta dodges intense storm; heavy winds are still expected
Oct 28 2021 Share

It appears that Malta has dodged the intense storm expected to hit the country over the past two days, with weather expert Clinton Caruana reporting that while the storm appears to be moving towards the southeast of Malta.

The storm will traverse over Malta’s west and move towards Catania, meaning that while Malta has managed to dodge the worst part of the tropical storm, heavy winds are still expected.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

Caruana told TVMNews+ that winds are expected to go up to gale force 8, with the weather expected to back to normal as soon as Friday.


Jon Mallia claps back at construction of Xlendi apartment blocks

Jon Mallia claps back at construction of Xlendi apartment blocks
Oct 28 2021 Share

After news of the construction of two enormous apartment blocks in the once-traditional fishing village of Xlendi, Gozo, a number of locals had their say about the shocking news including media personality and podcast host Jon Mallia.

Mallia dubbed the apartment blocks a ‘memorial of idiocy’, expressing his disdain at the ‘two concrete blocks’ reported to be built at the fisherman’s beach.

Back in mid-October, two popular Xlendi establishments published a social media post stating that The Boathouse Restaurant and The Stone Crab Restaurant will be closing and plan to reopen in 2022 in a ‘brand new environment’, breaking the hearts of many regular patrons, some of whom which travel to Gozo particularly to dine at such establishments.

Mallia’s statement concluded by stating that out of the 190 islands in the Mediterranean, the average tourist will definitely find another place to dine on fish, going on to express his sadness at the figurative and literal burial of Xlendi.

What do you think of the construction of these apartment blocks? 


136 domestic violence victims ended up in the emergency room over the past two years

136 domestic violence victims ended up in the emergency room over the past two years
Oct 28 2021 Share

In a recent parliamentary reply, Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne revealed figures showing that 136 people over two years ended up in a hospital emergency department due to being victims of domestic abuse.

Fearne stated that 2019 saw 74 cases of the latter while 2020 saw 62, with numbers yet to be provided for 2021. Genders were not specified in the Deputy Prime Minister’s discourse.

Domestic violence is a common issue in the Maltese Islands, with Malta’s Domestic Violence Unit receiving around five reports every single day. Over 96% of cases fail to render convictions due to victims withdrawing complaints or failing to testify against the aggressor.


Met Office & Civil Protection issue warning on rain and thunderstorms

Met Office & Civil Protection issue warning on rain and thunderstorms
Oct 27 2021 Share

The MET Office has forecasted heavy showers along with force 7 winds to hit Malta over the next couple of days.

An orange alert was issued on Wednesday morning with reports of ‘the most intense storm in Malta’s recent history’, with the worst to hit Malta from the North-East between Wednesday and Thursday. Thunderstorms are expected to arrive from Sicily due to a low pressure system causing what is called a ‘Medicane’, which is a hurricane in the Mediterranean.

The Civil Protection Department took to social media to advise the public to ‘avoid roads notoriously known to retain rainwater, especially low areas, and valleys prone to flooding’, going on to highlight that the Civil Protection Department is prepared and on alert if any situations may arise.

Are you ready for the storm?
