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Malta closes airspace to Russian airlines amid Ukraine invasion

Malta closes airspace to Russian airlines amid Ukraine invasion
Feb 27 2022 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela announced Sunday that Maltese airspace will be closed to Russian airlines in response to the invasion of Ukraine. 

This puts Malta alongside other EU countries which announced similar measures on Sunday. Italy, Sweden, Germany and Belgium, along with the UK, have banned Russian flights into their airspace. 

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Russia also closed its airspace to flights operated by carriers from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia on Sunday. It had also banned flights from Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic a day earlier and all UK-linked planes on Friday.

This follows several sanctions imposed onto Russia by many countries as they condemn the invasion of Ukraine. However, Malta’s government has so far brushed off demands to halt Maltese passport sales to Russians, arguing that the calls are suggesting that all Russian nationals were criminals. 

Robert Abela had stated that being in favour of peace does not mean sowing more division and that not all Russians are by extension of the invasion bad people. 


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Bernard Grech says the PN will transform Labour headquarters into ODZ land

Bernard Grech says the PN will transform Labour headquarters into ODZ land
Feb 27 2022 Share

After addressing journalists in Marsaxlokk, Opposition leader Bernard Grech was asked which land was identified as the first to be transformed into ODZ land. 

The Nationalist Party leader answered sarcastically by saying that the Labour Party headquarters will be this first land to be transformed into ODZ land.

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In previous talks, the Nationalist Party said that their plans when it comes to ODZ land are keeping in mind the damage which was done to Malta’s environment under, what they identified, as ten years under the Labour government. 


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Vladimir Putin orders Russia’s nuclear reaction response on high alert

Vladimir Putin orders Russia’s nuclear reaction response on high alert
Feb 27 2022 Share

Following what he deemed to be ‘aggressive statements’ by NATO countries, Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian military to put nuclear deterrence on high alert. 

This follows a meeting between the president, the defence minister and the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of Russia. 

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In televised comments, Putin said that senior officials of the leading NATO countries ‘also allow aggressive statements against our country, therefore I order the minister of Defence and the deterrent forces of the Russian army to a special mode of combat duty.’ 

Putin said that Western countries are not only taking unfriendly actions against Russia in the economic sphere, but NATO officials are making aggressive statements regarding the country as well. 

It is not clear what the special mode of combat duty entails, but a Geneva-based analyst and head of the Russian Nuclear Forces project Pavel Podvig told the Guardian that it may be a ‘preliminary command.’ 

This makes a retaliatory strike possible, but does not mean it is preparation for a first strike. It does not appear to be the highest level of readiness, but a reaction which makes the command and control able to react if necessary.

Putin had previously warned foreign nations not to interfere in the invasion of Ukraine, warning consequences which have never been experienced in history. As the invasion continues, many countries are deeming the escalation unacceptable but are as of yet not sending military aid to Ukraine, resorting to sanctions instead.  


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€10,000 for people who go carless for five years proposed by PN

€10,000 for people who go carless for five years proposed by PN
Feb 27 2022 Share

As part of their electoral campaign, the Nationalist Party has pledged to pay drivers €10,000 if they sell their car and go carless for the next five years. 

A proposal which intends to reduce cars off Maltese roads and address the island’s notorious traffic problems, the payment would be spread over five years for anyone choosing to find alternative routes. 

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People who make use of this measure must of course not acquire another vehicle during that five year period. 

This proposal accompanies others such as the proposal to build underground tunnels and trams to battle traffic, as well as investing in a system which informs drivers of traffic accidents in advance, launching a national programme to encourage bicycle use and other public transport incentives. 


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