
Malta Business Awards Applications Closing Soon!

Malta Business Awards Applications Closing Soon!
Jul 26 2024 Share

The applications for the Malta Business Awards will be closing on Wednesday 7th August, 2024 – that’s less than 2 weeks from now!

With 23 awards from 4 categories up for grabs, the third edition of the Malta Business Awards was launched by the Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with Malta Enterprise.

During this year’s edition, 23 awards will be available within 4 different categories, Distinct initiatives, Innovative & Sustainable Ambassadors, Celebrating Business and Nation Transport.

For more information on the spectate awards, you can visit www.maltabusinessawards.mt.


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The Busker Release Their New Song ‘Talking Back’

Jul 26 2024 Share

Maltese indie pop band ‘The Busker’ has released their comeback song, “Talking Back,” in collaboration with local jewelry company Carisma Collections.

In their official announcement, the band stated that the song is about the courage it takes to stand up for yourself when your self-respect is being threatened.

The band has been working on “Talking Back,” their first song of the year, and their surprise collaboration with Carisma for quite some time, even revealing that they have been keeping the song under wraps since December.

Their last release, “Bulletproof,” came out back in November 2023, so fans of the former Eurovision representatives have been eagerly awaiting their much-anticipated comeback.


Recognition For Heroic Volunteers In Qormi Fire

Recognition For Heroic Volunteers In Qormi Fire
Jul 26 2024 Share

Taking to social media, PN MP Jerome Caruana Cilia highlighted the heroic act undertaken by a group of volunteers and youth after a fire broke out in Ħal Qormi.

The PN MP explained how volunteers from the Għaqda Armar San Sebastjan Ħal Qormi AD 1984- VO/1280 managed to save an elderly woman and contributed to the extinguishing of the fire.

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Caruana Cilia reportedly spoke to Minister Byron Camilleri, who will be in turn speaking to those involved, so as to give them recognition for their act.


“Enough Y Plate Drivers And Food Couriers” in Malta Says Robert Abela

Jul 26 2024 Share

During an interview with Newsbook’s Chief Dditor Matthew Xuereb, Prime Minister Robert Abela answered questions about a variety of topics, including platform workers.

While saying that this government was responsible for the legislation, he stated that hundreds of permits have been refused. “Our country has enough Y plate drivers and food couriers. We do not need more of these workers. The necessary workers will be used; a strategic decision has been made,” Robert Abela said, emphasising that every worker on the Maltese islands must be respected and treated with dignity.

When asked about the Vitals/Steward Hospital deal, Robert Abela said, “You have an opposition that continues to push a narrative that the government did nothing to defend the national interest,” while also explaining the government’s demands in relation to Steward and listing the investments made in the health sector.

In this interview, Robert Abela also announced that former OPM Chief of Staff, Glenn Micallef would be the Maltese Government’s nominee for European Commissioner, as well as the implementation of the Anti-SLAPP directive in the coming days. He spoke of elections within the Labour Party to appoint two new Deputy Leaders, as well as new reforms by this Labour Government.

The Prime Minister also detailed investment in electricity distribution and the energy sector, including investment in the second interconnector, offshore renewable energy generation, and the agreement with Libya.
