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Malta Among EU Countries With Most House Thefts By Criminal Groups

Malta Among EU Countries With Most House Thefts By Criminal Groups
Apr 5 2024 Share

According to a new report by Europol, Malta is one of the EU countries most susceptible to house and/or vehicle thefts by organised groups.

The report found that ‘the countries most affected by networks committing burglaries and thefts are France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. The most represented nationalities in these networks are are Croatian, Georgian, Italian and Romanian.’

The Europol report examined 821 criminal networks around the EU and other countries.

It also found that over 25,000 persons form part of these networks, and up to half of them are involved in drug trafficking.

‘The networks are described as either clan/family based mobile organised crime groups (MOCGs), or as Thieves in Law. They usually have full control over the criminal process. Some are also active in other types of property crime, in forcing victims into criminality (THB) or in drug trafficking.’

Read the full report here.


James Ryder’s First Statement Confirming EU Election Campaign

James Ryder's First Statement Confirming EU Election Campaign
Apr 5 2024 Share

Taking to social media, comedian James Ryder confirmed that he will be running as an independent candidate for the upcoming European Parliament elections.

In a video statement, Ryder explained that he will be exercising his right as a citizen and putting democracy to the test by running.

He also highlighted how being a comedian does not define him and that he has many other opinions and feelings which he intends to work on seriously.

‘You are going to be treated, or subjected to, an election campaign like no other’, says Ryder.

He says that he will do his best to represent the common man as there is no one more common than himself, whilst also saying that he won’t promise anything that he won’t be able to deliver on.

Ryder ended his message with the slogan he kicked off his initial teaser with: ‘We’ve had worse’.

What do you make of this statement?


Vandalism Hits Cilia Regal Garden: Authorities Respond

Vandalism Hits Cilia Regal Garden: Authorities Respond
Apr 5 2024 Share

Cilia Regal Garden, an idyllic haven nestled behind the local church, has been marred by vandalism, echoing the recent desecration of ficus trees in the nearby square. The swift response of Mayor Architect Chris Grech has mobilized authorities and the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) to launch a thorough investigation into the disturbing incidents.

As surveillance footage undergoes careful scrutiny, the community grapples with the distressing sight of eucalyptus trees, once vibrant symbols of natural beauty, now standing dead and withered. Concerns mount over the potential ecological ramifications of this senseless destruction, prompting urgent action from local authorities.

In a show of solidarity, the Council strongly denounces these acts of vandalism, hinting at possible ulterior motives aimed at undermining community cohesion and the diligent efforts of dedicated councillors. Despite the valiant efforts of ERA to salvage the affected trees, the toll of the vandalism remains palpable, casting a shadow over the once-thriving greenery of Cilia Regal Garden.

Amidst the turmoil, intervention treatments have commenced for the ficus trees in the square, signaling a beacon of hope for restoration and renewal. As the community unites against such wanton acts of destruction, there is a shared resolve to stand firm in defense of cherished communal spaces and to seek justice for Cilia Regal Garden.


Man Found Dead In Prison: PN Expresses Concerns

Man Found Dead In Prison: PN Expresses Concerns
Apr 5 2024 Share

Following the news of yet another death of an individual awaiting sentencing in prison, reportedly due to self-inflicted harm, the Nationalist Party expresses deep concern regarding the current situation at Corradino prison.

This recent fatality adds to a series of tragic incidents where prisoners have attempted to take their own lives, with sadly many succeeding.

The Nationalist Party emphasises the need for prisons to not only serve as a means of prevention by detaining individuals but also to fulfil a retributive function.

Furthermore, it stresses the importance of ensuring the safety of prisoners who are undergoing rehabilitation programs to prevent recidivism.

Regardless of the circumstances leading to a person’s detention or the allegations against them, justice is not served by allowing individuals to end their own lives, the Nationalist Party says.

‘True justice is achieved when individuals face the consequences of their actions through the judicial process, participate in rehabilitative programs, and are treated with dignity while incarcerated.’

‘The Nationalist Party calls for complete transparency regarding the events surrounding this case in prison, to provide clarity and reassurance to the families of those incarcerated. Simultaneously, it urges immediate attention to be given to the mental health needs of prisoners.’
