In the first half of 2023, the International Airport of Malta recorded a record number of passengers, with 3.43 million people passing through, indicating a 5.6% increase compared to the same period in 2019.
This growth placed Malta International Airport among a group of European airports experiencing traffic increases.

During a press conference, the CEO, Alan Borg, highlighted the airport’s outstanding seat load factors, reaching a peak of 86% in June, matching the performance levels of 2022 and 2019.
Borg also discussed the challenges of inflation and rising air ticket prices, which could impact travel demand in Europe. He pledged to collaborate closely with the Maltese Tourism Authority to enhance connectivity with other countries.
The CEO of the Maltese Tourism Authority, Carlo Micallef, acknowledged the airport’s role in attracting record numbers of tourists to Malta. He emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities to boost connectivity and utilize Malta’s potential.
The conference also revealed that Malta International Airport’s capital expenditure for the first six months of the year amounted to approximately €8 million.
The airport plans to complete the first phase of works on Apron X by summer 2024, adding three operational aircraft parking stands. The extensive rehabilitation of Runway 23-05 is scheduled to begin in the last quarter of the year.