
Majority of Maltese Happy With Their Job & Life, Survey Says

Majority of Maltese Happy With Their Job & Life, Survey Says
Mar 26 2024 Share

In 2022, a survey conducted by the National Statistics Office, as part of the annual European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), revealed insights into the health and well-being of individuals residing in private households across Malta and Gozo. According to the findings, a significant majority, 76.7%, perceived their general health positively. However, 31% of the respondents reported suffering from chronic illnesses or conditions, underscoring a notable health concern within the community.

The survey also delved into aspects of personal satisfaction, employing a scale from 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (completely satisfied). Personal relationships received an impressive average score of 8.6, indicating a high level of contentment in this area. Time use and financial satisfaction scored an average of 6.8, reflecting a more varied sense of satisfaction among respondents.

Interestingly, the data highlighted a disparity in satisfaction levels between those at risk of poverty or social exclusion and their more secure counterparts. Respondents facing challenges reported lower satisfaction across various life aspects, except for time use, where they indicated higher satisfaction.

Emotional well-being was also part of the survey, with 58% of respondents frequently feeling happy, while 31% sometimes experienced nervousness or agitation. These findings offer a comprehensive snapshot of the general health, well-being, and satisfaction levels within the community, emphasising the impact of socioeconomic status on overall life satisfaction.


Bridge Collapses in Baltimore After Being Hit By Ship

Bridge Collapses in Baltimore After Being Hit By Ship
Mar 26 2024 Share

In a startling event early Tuesday morning, the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, was hit by a ship, causing the structure to collapse.


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This incident, captured on live stream footage, has initiated a rescue operation to save individuals who may have fallen into the river below. The collapse, which occurred at around 1.30 AM, led to numerous vehicles also plunging into the water, raising immediate concerns about potential casualties. The video of the bridge collapsing is now circulating online, drawing widespread attention to the disaster.

Authorities are yet to confirm the extent of injuries or fatalities resulting from this catastrophic event. The Francis Scott Key Bridge, an essential infrastructure component in Baltimore, now faces an uncertain future as efforts redirect traffic are currently ongoing in Baltimore.


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Malta May Secure New President Today As Groups Set To Vote

Malta May Secure New President Today As Groups Set To Vote
Mar 26 2024 Share

Malta may very well be on the cusp of welcoming a new president as Parliament gears up for a crucial vote today on Myriam Spiteri Debono’s nomination to succeed the current President, George Vella.

This political moment sees the Labour and Nationalist Party (PN) parliamentary groups holding separate meetings this afternoon in hopes of reaching a consensus. According to the Times of Malta, sources close to both political factions have indicated that no surprises are anticipated in the upcoming vote.

Tomorrow, an official vote will be held in parliament and the general public will be made aware of the decision in due course.

For those unfamiliar, Myriam Spiteri Debono has a background within the Labour Party, having previously led the party’s women’s section. She also served as Speaker of the House from 1996 to 1998. Her political journey is marked by a commitment to public service and advocacy.

Notably, Spiteri Debono paid homage to Daphne Caruana during a Victory Day speech, reflecting her engagement with significant national conversations.


What You CAN & CAN’T Do With The Samsung S Pen

What You CAN & CAN'T Do With The Samsung S Pen
Mar 26 2024 Share

The Samsung S Pen has been a game-changer for productivity and creativity on the go. But let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what this technological wand can and hilariously cannot do.

CAN DO: Control your phone from the Pen with gestures known as ‘Air Actions’.
Wave your S Pen like a magic wand to navigate your phone. It’s like being a tech wizard, except the spells are real, and your cat remains unimpressed.

CANNOT DO: Swipe Past Traffic in the Morning.
Sadly, despite its advanced technology, the S Pen cannot help you Leviosa your way out of traffic congestion. You’ll still need to rely on mundane methods like leaving earlier or using public transport.

CAN DO: Annotate images, charts, or documents with the ‘Screen Write’ feature.
Turn your phone into a digital canvas or notepad. It’s perfect for those moments when inspiration strikes in the middle of a boring meeting.

CANNOT DO: Play darts.
Despite its precision and sleek design, the S Pen is not suitable for a quick game of darts. The screen is not a dartboard, and your warranty definitely doesn’t cover “missed the bullseye.”

CAN DO: Control your camera remotely for pictures, videos, and selfies.
Capture the perfect shot without touching your phone. It’s great for group photos, selfies, and spying on what your pet does when you’re not home.

CANNOT DO: Scroll past potential outfits in the morning.
Although it can navigate through photos with ease, the S Pen sadly lacks the fashion sense to pick out your outfit. You’re on your own for clothing decision decisions.

While the Samsung S Pen might not do everything (yet), it certainly makes life a little more fun and a lot more productive.


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