
Major changes to FIFA 22 career mode

Aug 6 2021 Share

The video game FIFA, is undoubtedly the best football video game out there in terms of sales. The fact that game boasts nearly every licensing available is a perk that not all football video games have. PES the direct competitor of FIFA have slowly been improving, improving their graphics, gameplay and getting many exclusive licenses of Europe’s biggest teams such as Barcelona, Juventus and Manchester United.

EA this year have not only improved their online sector of the game, but also their offline sector with game modes like career mode getting massive upgrades. Fans of the game have been extremely unhappy in recent years with the treatment career mode was getting, as it was a mode that attracted many fans when the online side of FIFA wasn’t the strongest.



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In this year’s career mode, an option to create your own club will be available. Whilst creating your club, you can also create your own kits and badge. Designing your own stadium will also be an option. A player can also decide where and which league their club will enter, whether it be with the big teams immediately or starting your way up from the lower leagues. Player career has also receive a massive upgrade. This year there will be more cut scenes including interactions in the players dressing room and press conferences. This year you can also start as a substitute and make your impact later on in the game, as well as that  more match objectives have been added.

2021 will mark the year where EA finally upgraded the offline sector of the game. Tag a friend who you think will play this year’s career mode!


Transport Minister reveals vision for Malta’s Grand Harbour

Aug 6 2021 Share

During a conference addressed by Minster for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg, a vision for Malta’s iconic Grand Harbour was launched.

LIVE | Il-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali Ian Borg jniedi l-viżjoni tal-@Maltagov għall-Port il-Kbir

LIVE | Il-Ministru għat-Trasport, Infrastruttura u Proġetti Kapitali Ian Borg iniedi l-viżjoni tal-MaltaGov għall-Port il-Kbir

Posted by Ian Borg on Thursday, 5 August 2021


The Minister stated that every corner of the Grand Harbour is a ‘gold mine’ and went on to reveal that all nine zones will receive a considerable amount of regeneration and maintenance.

Kburi li ftit tal-ħin ilu kont fdat mill-Prim Ministru Robert Abela sabiex invara l-viżjoni tal-Gvern Malti għall-Port…

Posted by Ian Borg on Friday, 6 August 2021

Borg went on to highlight that areas from Valletta’s Lascaris Battery to the Kalkara promenade will receive regeneration, along with continued works on The Three Cities.


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48 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 120 recoveries

Aug 6 2021 Share

Malta has registered 48 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,508 swab tests, while 120 patients have recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Friday 5th August 2021, 770,496 vaccine doses were administered of which 403,261 were 1st doses. 392,100 people are currently fully vaccinated.

To date, Malta has registered 34,716 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 32,762 have recovered, 424 died and 1,206 are still active.

Mater Dei Hospital is currently treating a total of 36 COVID-19 positive patients, four of whom are in the ITU.


Outrage at Juventus as they post racist tweet

Aug 6 2021 Share

Yesterday was an insane day for many football fans. Many things happened, most notably Barcelona’s announcement that Messi won’t extend his contract and Romelu Lukaku’s shock reported transfer from Inter to Chelsea. One thing that many football fans didn’t miss though was Juventus Womens’ racist tweet.

The tweet was up for only 20 minutes, but still managed to make headlines. The tweet involved a picture of player Cecilia Salvai, wearing a cone as a bamboo hat and pulling back her eyes, mocking a dated Asian stereotype. After the tweet, many people have urged Juventus to let go of the person responsible for the tweet. Soon after, the tweet was deleted and was followed by another tweet where the Bianconeri apologized.

