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Lydia Abela pushes for sustainable fashion industry in New York

Lydia Abela pushes for sustainable fashion industry in New York
Sep 21 2022 Share

Attending a recent fashion event in New York, USA, Lydia Abela highlighted the importance of sustainable and environmental awareness being at the centre of the fashion industry. 

Attending the event whilst her husband, Prime Minister of Malta Robert Abela, fulfils his duties at the 77th United Nations’ General Assembly, Lydia Abela took the opportunity to speak about how the future of fashion lies in sustainable creativity. 

Posting a statement on social media, Abela said that she wanted to focus on two very specific and important themes during her address: the social and the environmental. 

‘In the social sector, we need to continue working in a global context to improve the conditions of work, especially in the fashion industry itself.’ 

‘From the environmental aspect, we need to intensify our work to raise more awareness in our kids and the future generations about the importance of the environment of not just today, but of our future. 


The latest road works achievements for 2022

The latest road works achievements for 2022
Sep 21 2022 Share

The Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects revealed on social media some of the latest achievements in road works for the year 2022. 

The ministry, under current Infrastructure Minister Aaron Farrugia, rebuilt 128 new residential roads in the first 8 months of 2022 – that is from January to August. 

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This translates to around 4 roads being rebuilt per week as well as 27 kilometres of better roads for the residents of various Maltese towns and villages. 

Last but not least, the work yielded 50 kilometres of new pavements being installed to ensure safer passageway for the same residents. 


Men spend more time on the toilet than women…but why?

Men spend more time on the toilet than women…but why?
Sep 21 2022 Share

According to a VICE survey, 92% of men regularly spend at least 20 minutes on the toilet whereas up to 100% of women never spend longer than 10 minutes. 

According to a 2018 study by a bathroom company, a third of men in the UK spend over 7 hours a year on the toilet to ‘enjoy respite’ and ‘avoid stress’. 

Among the responses as to what men do when spending so much time on the throne, a whopping 84% said that they simply scroll through social media. 

68% are watching videos (of the ‘decent’ variety), 62% are reading the news, 49% use it to catch up to emails, 24% continue binging their favourite series and 14% open a book to read.

However, one of the most common answers was that they were in there to get some alone time. According to psychotherapist Benjamin Jackson, a large amount of men tend to perform ‘single focus mental activities’. 

These include reading the news or watching football to de-stress. 63% of the survey respondents said that they take longer in the toilet when they feel frustrated at work or at home. The toilet becomes a safe haven. 


Ozone layer hits ‘significant’ milestone in road to recovery

Ozone layer hits ‘significant’ milestone in road to recovery
Sep 21 2022 Share

The recovery of the Earth’s ozone layer has just reached a significant milestone in its road to recovery, and scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) hint at one possible reason. 

The ozone layer itself is a region which forms part of Earth’s stratosphere which absorbs most of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. 

A NASA publication delves deeper into the issue, explaining how without this layer, the intense UV radiation would essentially sterilise Earth’s surface. 

During the 20th century, the impact of human emissions severely damaged the barrier and created a massive hole which opened up over Antartica. 

Following recent research, the NOAA has found that concentrations of harmful chemicals that damage the layer dropped significantly, almost by 50%, in the stratosphere. 

The decline in man-made emissions, coming from hairsprays and cleaning products for example, was the first step towards this healing. 

Despite the momentary respite, scientists still highlight that the emissions need to continue declining as issues relating to climate change and global warming are having dire effects on the planet. 

Meanwhile, the hole itself is predicted to fully recover by around the year 2070. Until then, the Antarctic hole is being monitored using 3D imaging technology. 
