Local rapper Lydon Borg Bonaci, known better by his stage name Eddie Fresco, took to social media to discuss the lack of support coming from his home country.
‘It took me a while to fully understand and accept this, but I unfortunately believe that it is the truth.’
‘The reason why there isn’t any support on the islands; when it comes to art, music & more is because the majority of people don’t care for it.’
He revealed how, after making music for 5 to 6 years, reaching over 200,000 legit monthly listeners, he only amassed 700 listeners from the land he grew up in.
On the other hand, he racked up 58K listeners from the US. In terms of statistics, Malta registered below South Africa, Belarus, Norway, Romania and many other countries, with the island coming in 29th place.
‘The island simply does not have enough people that CARE ABOUT YOU. with every media outlet on the Island writing about my latest Music Video, which I believe to be some of the highest quality I’ve seen from the Island, we could barely hit 2,000 views from Malta.’
Lydon expressed his hope that the next generation can fix all this, ‘but for now your best bet is to go abroad’.