The Malta Football Association’s executive board has granted professional female football players the right to maternity leave within the duration of their contracts, following the approval of new regulations.
Additionally, clubs now have the flexibility to register a replacement player outside the regular registration periods when a female player takes maternity leave.
These progressive regulations align with FIFA’s commitment to promoting gender equality and supporting women in their athletic careers. They ensure that any club’s unilateral contract termination based on a player’s pregnancy, maternity leave, or related rights is deemed unjustified.
These rules afford female athletes certain rights during pregnancy, including determining their access to sporting services based on medical advice, offering alternative employment opportunities, ensuring the right to return to sports activities, and supporting the option to breastfeed.
These measures collectively create an inclusive and nurturing environment for female professionals in the sports industry.
The first session of the Malta FA Executive Board for the 2023/24 season convened at the Centenary Hall following its election during the July General Assembly, with a two-year mandate. The board’s primary responsibility is to steer the strategic and regulatory direction of Maltese football.