
“LGBTIQ persons are not an ideology” – Cyrus Engerer appointed socialist’s lead negotiator for LGBTIQ bill

Feb 23 2021 Share

“LGBTIQ persons are not an ideology. We are people with fundamental human rights and no one, not even a Member State of the European Union can take our fundamental human rights away from us.”

These were the words of Maltese MEP Cyrus Engerer following his appointment as Socialists and Democrats’ lead negotiator ahead of the EU’s historic LGBTIQ Freedom Zone resolution.

Onorat li l-Grupp tas-Soċjalisti għażilni bħala n-negozjatur ewlieni fuq mozzjoni storika dwar persuni LGBTIQ 🏳️‍🌈Dak…

Posted by Cyrus Engerer on Tuesday, 23 February 2021

This widespread decision came following the outrage surrounding multiple municipalities in countries like Poland and Hungary declaring them LGBTIQ-free zones, discriminating against multiple people.

Engerer went on to state that diversity and protection of human rights are pillars of European values and that is why they should be maintained across each country.


Vince Musca ‘Il-Koħħu’ pleads guilty to Caruana Galizia assassination

Feb 23 2021 Share

Vince Muscat, also known as ‘il-Koħħu’ has pleaded guilty to his involvement in the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Muscat notified the court that he was switching his plea in what is the biggest turning point in a long time in the Caruana Galizia assassination investigation and he will testify against the Degiorgio brothers, George and Alfred.

Insider reports have also revealed that Muscat may reveal information about the possible implication of a current minister with regards to a “very serious crime”.


Long lines at Mater Dei as vulnerable queue for COVID-19 vaccine

Feb 23 2021 Share

Mater Dei corridors suffered an influx of vulnerable and elderly individuals on Tuesday as many people showed up early to get their COVID-19 vaccine.

Photos began circulating on social media of long lines of people who reportedly showed up early as a precaution in anticipation of the long queues.

As a result, it was made difficult to social distance as individuals would spend roughly an hour in close proximity of each other while others expressed their frustration as people who showed up early were being taken care of before those arriving on time.


221 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 191 recoveries

67 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 323 recoveries
Feb 23 2021 Share

Malta has registered 221 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,274 swab tests, while 191 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Monday 22nd February 2021, 66,334 vaccine doses were administered of which 21,160 were 2nd doses.

To date, Malta has registered 21,306 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 18,500 have recovered, 306 died and 2,500 are still active.


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