In 2023, 36 % of youth in the EU between the ages of 16 and 29 who had used the internet three months before the study made an effort to verify the accuracy of material or information they saw online from other sources.
This research was gathered from a survey done on ICT usage in various households and also individuals published by Eurostat.
The countries with the lowest percentages of youth who checked the content they found online were Cyprus (11%), Bulgaria (14%), Romania (11.24%), Lithuania (21%), and Latvia (27%) and Malta also made the list with 31.6 %These five nations were among the fourteen that saw a decline in this percentage between the surveys conducted in 2021 and 2023.
On the other hand, a greater percentage of young ladies (73%) than young males (69%), aged 16 to 29, had at least rudimentary digital abilities. In the case for Malta, the survey shows that men(92.63%) have a slightly higher level of digital skills than women(90.90%)