Taking to Facebook, lawyer Franco Debono expressed his disagreement with the government’s decision to make vaccination mandatory for most establishments.
He opened his post by stating that he is not against vaccination and he is in favour of freedom of choice. ‘Whoever wants to take the jab, may do so. Whoever doesn’t, doesn’t.’
However, he said that it will not bode well if the government is ‘sneakily’ taking the road of mandatory vaccination.
He went on to ask several questions about the rate of hospitalisations and the alleged lesser impact of the newly discovered Omicron variant. He reiterated his initial statement calling for people to make their own choices in regards to vaccination.
He concluded his post by suggesting that the government seems to be ‘making up’ for the ‘pathetic restrictions’ by having the people make do with their mistakes.
The post was met with mixed reactions as some agreed with Debono whilst others criticised several aspects of the post. What do you think?
Photo Source: Franco Debono FB