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Large metal platform in Valletta Merchants Street called an obscenity

Massive outrage as large metal platform takes over Valletta Merchants Street
Aug 31 2021 Share

A huge metal structure destined to hold chairs, tables, umbrellas and street furniture was set up in Merchants Street to the anger of both people and local councillors. Positioned in front of the luxury Rosselli hotel, the structure was allegedly approved by its owners AX Holdings Ltd. Councillor Christian Micallef stated that he will not accept this ‘obscenity’, saying there is a limit for everything and this surpasses that boundary. 

Micallef revealed he spoke to mayor Alfred Zammit and together, they will be fighting against this ‘abuse towards the residents and locality of Valletta.’ He added that such a moment is when political parties show that the resident takes precedence over everything. 

Councillor Mark Spiteri Lucas also issued a social media statement, asking ‘Quo Vadis?’, describing the structure as an obscenity as well. Ray Azzopardi, deputy mayor, also showed the same disdain for the structure, stating that action will be taken in the coming days. 

AX Group, however, told newsroom Times of Malta, that all stakeholders were discussed with, assuring that the structure will ‘complement Valletta and Malta’s strategy of upgrading the tourism product’. Former Valletta mayor Paul Borg Olivier stated that the permit had been fast-tracked with ‘record-time’ in which the Planning Authority granted it. 

The Malta Tourism Authority said it did not issue any permits for structures (tables and chairs), suggesting to forward questions to the Planning Authority. Keith Sciberras, head of the university’s art and and art history department, said that the structure ‘ignores many aspects of town life, urban semiotics, and heritage.’ He warned that the ‘unabashed commercialisation of Valletta is now almost complete.’ 


Photo Source: Il-Kunsillier Mark Spiteri Lucas FB

48 COVID-19 cases registered with 25 recoveries

76 COVID-19 cases registered with 49 recoveries
Aug 31 2021 Share

Malta has registered 48 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,117 swab tests, while 25 patients have recovered. 1 deaths was registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Monday 30th August 2021, 796,333 vaccine doses were administered of which 413,598 were 1st doses. 412,419 people are currently fully vaccinated. 

To date, Malta has registered 36,171 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 34,678 have recovered, 441 died and 656 are still active.

Mater Dei Hospital is currently treating a total of 31 COVID-19 positive patients, 1 of whom is in the ITU.


Balluta Bay stairs getting a €450,000 makeover

Balluta Bay stairs getting a €450,000 makeover
Aug 31 2021 Share

Announced on Monday by Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia, an embellishment exercise on Balluta Bay’s Joe Attard Kingswell access stairs are set to cost around €450,000.  Fully financed by the Planning Authority’s Development Planning Fund, the area will receive a full redesign which, according to the minister, will create ‘liveable environments and happier communities.’ He added that through various initiatives, the government is creating and encouraging ‘better recreational areas and healthier urban environments.’

The Planning Authority (PA) Executive Council Chairman Martin Saliba was present at the press conference. He stated that the PA was at the ‘forefront to promote urban plans through the planning fund.’ The space transformed will complement the Balluta Square, including a landscaping scheme to break up the current steep slope whilst also creating a terraced layout. Non-slip paving and wooden seat benches will be fitted, along with a water-feature which will flow down the length of the site. 

The site stands between a row of Grade 2 townhouses and the Grade 1 Balluta church to its north, along with Grade 1 Balluta Buildings towards the south. This project is part of another five embellishment projects which will take place in three other localities apart from the St. Julian’s project. Together, they will cost €433,000 which is less than this Balluta project. 


Photo Source: Google Maps, Times of Malta, Aaron Farrugia FB

Outrage as private ambulances clamped at Mater Dei parking and missing calls

Outrage as private ambulances clamped at Mater Dei parking and missing calls
Aug 31 2021 Share

Private ambulance operators have been having their ambulances clamped by the hospital security as parking at Mater Dei Hospital becomes more of a nightmare. Despite clamping cars of reckless drivers visiting the hospital might be legitimate enforcement, doing the same to ambulances seems quite bizarre. The owner of a private ambulance company Charlton Caruana posted to Facebook images of ambulances clamped in the hospitals parking.

 He rhetorically asks; ‘Isn’t it obvious that an ambulance needs to be in hospital?’ ‘It seems that the people of KIS Ltd only take orders from their manager in Italy’ he continues. ‘They also insist they don’t take orders from the police. So it seems that ambulances cannot park in Mater Dei.’ Caruana spoke to Newsroom Lovin Malta, saying that a private company employed by the hospital to oversee parking was insisting on clamping all vehicles, service vehicles included. 


Photo Source: Charlton Caruana FB