Language schools to close down as of Wednesday 14th July

Language schools to close down as of Wednesday 14th July
Jul 9 2021 Share

Addressing a press conference, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne and Superintendent for Public Health Charmaine Gauci revealed that language schools will be closing down temporarily in order to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Malta. This will come into effect as of the 14th of July 2021. 

9 different English language schools registered positive COVID-19 viruses, with the majority of cases being registered being associated with importation. 

This follows news that a Qawra hotel had to be closed down due to around 70 cases registered among foreign students. 


Is caffeine the addiction we need to give up?

Jul 9 2021 Share

Caffeine has entered our lifestyle as a booster many of us need to survive. With many downing cup after cup of teas and coffees to barely make it through the day, the latest research on the substance has revealed some interesting, albeit shocking, revelations about the hot beverage and its effects. 

Around 90% ingest the substance on a daily basis, with caffeine being the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world. It is also the only one children are allowed to ingest in the form of fizzy drinks. Caffeine is not considered a drug by most however, even though being caffeinated is actually an altered state of human consciousness. 

This means our normal day-to-day awareness is being replaced by a caffeine-induced and boosted state of mind. Withdrawal from the substance actually leads to symptoms such as headache, fatigue, lethargy, concentration difficulty, motivation decrease, dysphoria and irritability. 

It might come as a surprise to many that humanity’s use of caffeine is quite recent. The impact was drastic – it altered and sharpened minds, made different types of work possible and cleared minds fogged by alcohol. By the 15th century, coffee was being cultivated in east Africa and traded across the Arabian peninsula. 

It was allegedly used by religious Sufis to stay concentrated during their religious observances. Buddhist monks also used tea to stay awake during meditation. But as history progressed, a far more sinister side-effect was noted. 

English neuroscientist on the faculty at University of California Matt Walker (author of Why We Sleep) is on a quest to alert the public on how we are not getting enough sleep, and the little we are is of little quality. And caffeine, although not directly bad for you, is stealing sleep from anyone who cannot stay away from it. 

The lack of sleep, according to Walker and research, contributes to Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, heart failure, depression, anxiety and obesity. In short, the shorter you sleep, the shorter your lifespan. Walker revealed how 25% of caffeine consumed at noon would still be circulating in the brain by the time one goes to bed. 

Despite screens, alcohol, work schedules and other factors being detrimental to sleep, caffeine poses more problems because people turn to it to fix their sleep problem. Caffeine creates a problem and then continues to make it worse because it is mistakenly thought of as the solution. 

Many of us aren’t quite ready to go cold-turkey on caffeine anytime soon. Many researchers however recommend trying and testing what happens when caffeine is cut out of one’s consumption for a period of time. Many report feeling quite unnerved at first, but later discover a clear headedness and deep sleep many only dream of. 


Japan bans spectators at Olympics events in and around Tokyo

Japan bans spectators at Olympics events in and around Tokyo
Jul 9 2021 Share

After a state of emergency was declared in Tokyo, the Olympics will be held largely without spectators after the Japanese government’s ruling. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced the COVID-19 state of emergency on Thursday evening as the Delta variant continued to spike the number of daily infections being registered. Tokyo 2020 President Seiko Hashimoto apologised to ticket holders and explained that this was the only choice available to mitigate the spread. 

Proceeding with no fans in the capital’s stadiums will likely mean the organisers need a taxpayer bailout for ticket holder refunds. Tokyo’s population will also be urged to stay at home as the International Olympic Committee holds the world’s biggest sporting event in their stadiums and streets. Running from July 23rd to August 8th 2021, the Olympics will only allow spectators for certain sports which are taking place elsewhere in the country, such as baseball and football. 


Photo Source: The New York Times

Community policing to be extended by 2023

Community policing to be extended by 2023
Jul 9 2021 Share

A target has been set to extend community policing to all of Malta and Gozo by the year 2023. This scheme is designed to allow officers to continuously operate and carry out foot patrols in the same area. This will also encourage a stronger bond between people living and working in the locality with the community police. This news was revealed during a press conference in which police commissioner Angelo Gafa heralded the initiative as successful. 

The first pilot community project two years ago yielded positive results as surveys indicated that people’s trust in the police had grown. The latest press conference addressed the extension to a further nine localities. Gafa also highlighted the benefits social media had as it led to police connecting better to people. 

Marsa, Hamrun, Tarxien, Kalkara, Cospicua, Vittoriosa, Senglea, St Julian’s and Santa Venera are the latest locales to benefit from the scheme. Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri spoke on how the extension of the scheme led to more security in the communities being covered. 


Photo Source: Malta Police Force FB