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Kim Kardashian celebrated her 40th birthday on a private island

Oct 28 2020 Share

While some fans praised her sincerity, others said the trip was “insensitive” to families divided by Covid-19. Kim Kardashian West was accused of being “tone deaf” after celebrating her 40th birthday on a private island with a huge group of relatives and friends. 

The reality star said the trip was followed by “two weeks of various health screens and asking everyone to quarantine.”


Local audiovisual collective release ‘Sounds of Malta’ foley pack

Oct 28 2020 Share

Insynk Collective, a local audiovisual collective, have released a sample pack consisting of ‘soundscapes, effects and aural experiences, entirely recorded and mixed in Malta’. 

The pack features a number of iconic local sounds such as the crunch of a local pastizz or the crackle of Maltese fireworks. 

’Sounds of Malta’ is readily-available for purchase on the collective’s website.


91-year-old man is the 57th victim of COVID-19

Oct 28 2020 Share

The Health Authorities have reported the death of a 91-year-old who had tested positive for COVID-19. 

He was admitted to Mater Dei on the 16th of October and tested positive on the same day.

It is reported that the man suffered from a chronic illness.


Bars and social clubs: who should close and who shouldn’t

Oct 28 2020 Share

Recent developments about the closure of bars and social clubs have caused a stir amongst Maltese businesses due to the licensing of their establishments.

Due to snack bars and kiosks being exempt from closure, establishments registered as such may remain open for the time being. It has been reported that certain establishments are licensed under cheaper licenses.

The Malta Tourism Authority’s licensing page displays a publicly-available list of local establishments and the licenses they are registered under.


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