As the invasion of Ukraine by Russia continues, it was revealed that on the evening of 1st of March, fighting erupted in Kharkiv as Putin’s forces attacked a military hospital.
According to local reports, an airborne assault was launched on the hospital overnight, with heavy fighting still heard in the area after dawn.
At least 21 people have been killed and another 112 wounded in the shelling of Ukraine’s second biggest city. Just yesterday, rockets and missiles hit the open house, concert hall and government offices in the city’s Freedom Square as well.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described it as terror against Ukraine. ‘There were no military targets in the square – nor are they in those residential districts of Kharkiv which come under rocket artillery fire.’
The city’s governor, Oleh Synyehubov, revealed that the Russian enemy also suffered significant losses. It is unclear whether there’s been any civilian casualties as a result of Russian paratroopers launching the airborne assault.
The situation has been placed back under Ukrainian control, region police chief revealed. However, another missile strike in the city of Zhytomyr killed two people as it hit residential areas despite being believed to have been aimed at an airbase.
The UN estimated that at least 136 civilians have been killed and 400 injured as a result of the conflict. The death toll could be much higher, with figures released by the Ukrainian government stating that as many as 352 civilians may have been killed.