Keith Demicoli posted a heartwarming post for Father’s Day in which he remembers his late father and all the beautiful memories he had with him. He states how around 30 years ago, his father passed away, with Demicoli stating that wherever he might be in the ‘great beyond’ he hopes he is well. He goes on to reminisce how he was given only a few months to live after taking Keith to donate to the Malta Community Chest Fund.
Despite spending too short a time with his father, Keith says that this taught him how short and precious life is. He stated he’d like to think that his father would be proud of the man Keith had become. Despite not becoming an architect as his father allegedly wished, Keith said that he is still trying to ‘design, shape and build better lives’ around him.
He concluded his wonderful message by saying that he tries to pass on wonderful gems of wisdom that his mother and father both gave him to other people. He learned how to respect people and make the most of every moment in life. He also acknowledged how not everyone wears his heart upon his sleeve. Many people are hiding despair beneath a smiling face, and thus encourages people to be kind and compassionate.
Photo Source: Keith Demicoli FB, IG