Juventus and Chelsea provide no shocks as group H gets under away

Sep 15 2021 Share

Juventus and Chelsea both played their first Champions League games yesterday night. For the first time since the 2012/2013 season the two clubs will play in the same group stage this season. Juventus started off their Champions League journey with a 3-0 win over Swedish champions Malmo whilst Chelsea narrowly beat Russian champions Zenit 1-0.



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Juventus started their Champions League campaign the best way possible, easily beating their opponents 3-0. This is the Bianconeri’s first win of the season after 3 unsuccessful attempts in the league. The first goal of the game came from a low diving header by defender Alex Sandro. Juventus’ second goal came from a Dybala penalty right before half time in the 44th minute. The third goal came only a minute after the second as a perfectly timed Morata run led to him dinking the keeper and killing off the game. The second half was quite lackluster and in fact there was no goals in it.

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Chelsea vs Zenit was a closer game than the Juventus game was.  Zenit kept ahold of Chelsea’s attack all game long making a few if any defensive errors. In the first half who the better team was was quite evident, as Chelsea had more of the ball and attacked Zenit’s goal constantly. Zenit also had many chances but didn’t look as deadly as their opponents. Chelsea found their goal in the 68th minute when captain César Azpilicueta crossed the ball from deep, perfectly on to Lukaku’s head which resulted in a Lukaku header going in. The game ended like it started Chelsea trying to attack but Zenit defending well.


Malta’s Got Talent Golden Buzzer recipient Emma Cutajar with brand new single ‘Mad at Myself’

Sep 15 2021 Share

You’ll probably recognise Emma Cutajar from her 2020 Malta’s Got Talent appearance, where she shocked both the judges and the audience with a stellar performance of her original song ‘I Miss You’. She went on to receive the prized Golden Buzzer and establish herself as force to be reckoned with in the Maltese music scene.

After releasing ‘I Miss You’, the 15-year-old singer-songwriter has officially launched her second single ‘Mad at Myself’, a different kind of track which she has worked on with renowned names in the local scene Peter Borg of ‘Railway Studio’ and popular artistic director Steven Levi Vella of ‘LEVIPLUS’.

Emma has stated that the single shows another side of the singer while maintaining her piano-playing roots and penchant for writing original songs. She went on to thank anyone who has followed her musical journey and shown support. “I am grateful towards everyone for showing their support and genuinely feel lucky to be surrounding but such capable people in this industry”.

You can stream the track on Spotify and all major streaming platforms and check out the ‘Mad at Myself’ video below:

Despite still being in the early stages of her career, we can tell that Emma is going places in the music scene and wish her the best of luck. In the meantime, we’ll have her new track on repeat.


An increase of around 7500 pleasure boats since 2012

An increase of around 7500 pleasure boats since 2012
Sep 15 2021 Share

Malta has seen a rapid increase in pleasure crafts from 2012, shooting up to 23,133 in 2021 from 15,375 in 2012. This translates to an increase of 50.5%, including everything from yachts, which can navigate outside Maltese waters. The number of yachts alone doubled from 2,733 in 2012 to 5,515 in 2021. 

The pandemic year showed that many spent their savings on boats, which in turn marked lower spendings due to lockdowns and other restrictions. The data was provided to MaltaToday by Transport Malta. 1,196 new boats were registered in 2021, bringing up the total to 5.5% over 2020. This is the sharpest increase in the past ten years. 

A 9% increase in the number of boats which can navigate outside Maltese waters was also noted. Numbers in this category shot up from 5,053 in 2020 to 5,515 in 2021. The number of boats restricted to Maltese waters also went up by 734 over 2020’s figures. 

The newsroom was not provided with a breakdown of how many boats were owned by Maltese residents and how many were owned by non-residents. The increase in boats show however how those who can secure a quiet spot due to Malta’s beaches becoming more crowded will do so. This phenomenon is still however contributing to over-crowding of spots like Comino. 


Photo Source: Sail Magazine

Denmark first in EU to lift all COVID-19 restrictions

Denmark first in EU to lift all COVID-19 restrictions
Sep 15 2021 Share

Denmark is set to be the first EU country to go back to pre-pandemic life this Friday as it lifts all remaining COVID-19 restrictions. Health Minister Magnus Heunicke tweeted this week, crediting the vaccines and the ‘great efforts of all of Denmark’s citizens over such a long period’ as the foundation for why the country is going strong. No COVID pass will be required to enter restaurant, night-clubs or other establishments as kids too no longer requiring to be sent home if they come into close contact with a confirmed case. 

Quarantines are left only for those who are infected. The country scrapped the mask requirement for public transit on August 13th, and will now go on to fully seal the deal of measure easing. Almost three quarters of adults are fully vaccinated and COVID-19 hospitalisations are low, with a high level of trust in authorities reported. In fact, the word samfundssind, which translates to ‘social mindedness’, has become a bit of a buzzword in Denmark. Elsewhere in Europe, trust in governments to deal with the pandemic is significantly lower, leading to lower vaccination rates. 


Photo Source: Schengen Visa, Anna Shvets