With 37 road projects that were set to be completed by June, 16 of these have exceeded their aforementioned deadline. Infrastructure Malta stated that half of them will be finalised in the coming weeks, with Times of Malta having reported last month that around 121 road projects were being carried out. An agency spokesperson told Times of Malta that the delays were justified in that in nine of the roads, the final asphalt layer will be completed in the coming weeks as originally planned.
This, according to the spokesperson, is to ensure a ‘uniform surface with less asphalt joints between roads, augmenting the quality and durability of the new infrastructure. Roads are already open to drivers but the nine roads were not named by the agency. On the other 7 projects, works on 2 specific ones are on hold awaiting related works. As for the additional five projects, other entities are extending the planned timeframes to carry out additional works.
Unforeseeable conditions of roads, such as weak foundations, were part of the deadline extension. Many drivers on Maltese roads have been reportedly getting stuck in traffic jams in multiple locations due to the several road works and confusing signage.