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John Bundy granted €226,500 after winning court case over unfair dismissal

Feb 2 2021 Share

Veteran television personality and presenter John Bundy has won his unfair dismissal case which he had files following his dismissal from the position Public Broadcasting Services CEO in 2017.

Bundy reported the news via Facebook post and he will be paid €226,500 in compensation by PBS after losing of the case.

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The presenter was dismissed by the PBS board after an audit’s conclusion that he had broken procurement regulations as part of a car lease deal worth half a million with allegations of Bundy’s ‘constant bullying’ towards management, all of which was denied by the presenter.


Heavy commotion in Imsida following alleged bomb scare

Feb 2 2021 Share

Sources have reported heavy commotion near the Msida Yacht Marina in an alleged bomb scare.

The Armed Forces of Malta along with the Civil Protection Department have been called onto the scene next to the Marina’s Pontoon F.

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More on the story as it develops.


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Russian Sputnik vaccine found to be 91.6% effective

Feb 2 2021 Share

Peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet has reported that Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine was found to be 91.6% effective against symptomatic COVID-19.

The vaccine was approved by Russian authorities months before final-stage trial results were published, leading to scepticism from industry professionals. However, latest analysis of data from 20,000 phase 3 test participants suggests the vaccine’s 90% efficacy versus symptomatic COVID-19.

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Independent commentators highlighted that while being primarily criticised for corner-cutting and lack of transparency, the report’s outcome is clear that the vaccine “can join the fight to reduce the incidence of COVID-19.”


Maltese band ‘Oxygyn’ to get song featured on BBC Music show ‘Introducing’

Feb 2 2021 Share

As the Maltese music scene continues to flourish week after week with artists continually putting out great music, Oxygyn has kicked off their February with great news as they will have their music featured on the UK’s ‘BBC Music Introducing The South’!

The programme is a regular showcase of upcoming artists and when speaking with Oxygyn’s Kurt Abela, he revealed that the unreleased track will be somewhat of a surprise for listeners!

We are ecstatic to announce that one of our songs is going to be played TONIGHT on BBC Music Introducing The South! Here…

Posted by Oxygyn on Tuesday, 2 February 2021

While expecting nothing less than the ground-breaking Oxygyn sound tonight 8-10PM GMT, we would like to wish the local artists further success as they continue to gain momentum.
