Joe Biden breaks foot while playing with dog

Nov 30 2020 Share

POTUS Joe Biden broke his right foot last Saturday while playing with one his dogs. 

His doctors report that, from subsequent CT scan, some hairline fractures towards the centre of his right foot and said that Biden may require a walking boot for the next couple of weeks. 

Despite Biden’s age and various digs at his age during the presidential campaign, the president-elect has been described by medical professionals as healthy and completely capable of exercising his presidential duties.


Mother posts photo graphic photo of son for alleged assault from police for not wearing mask

Nov 30 2020 Share

An upset mother took to Facebook to post a graphic photo of her brutally beaten son after being allegedly assaulted by the Police for not wearing a mask in Paceville.

The mother stated that he was hit on his head and thrown into a van to be badly beaten and went on to ask “is this the law?”

Details of this case to be reported as the story evolves.


Duke’s are delivering now and we can’t handle the hype

Nov 30 2020 Share

Duke’s Snack Bar is a staple of Maltese culture, one of the foremost authorities in the lunchtime ftira and a Junior College favourite for years and years, and now they are delivering. 

You read right, DUKE’S ARE DELIVERING, they have teamed up with delivery service Zaype to bring their iconic food straight to your homes.

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The dining establishment had closed back in October 2019 due to structural damages and re-opened to an uproar of positive feedback this year.


Everyone will receive details of their COVID-19 vaccination by post

Nov 30 2020 Share

In a recent interview Health and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne stated that citizens will receive details regarding the date, time and location of their vaccination by post once it is made available.

These measures are being taken to avoid queues once the vaccine arrives, which is said to be in the first weeks of 2021.

Fearne said that the first consignment of vaccines will be enough for front-liners such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, police and others along with the elderly.


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