In Brussels, Minister for Health and Active Ageing, Jo Etienne Abela, participated in an informal meeting of the European Union’s Health Ministers Council.
During his address on healthcare workforce, Minister Abela highlighted Malta’s reliance on recruiting nurses and carers from abroad despite having a sufficient number of doctors. He emphasized Malta’s strong support for the Belgian Presidency’s efforts to ensure that every member state has a secure supply of nurses.
Minister Abela stressed the importance of measures that support families, education, and digital skills. He emphasized that while artificial intelligence is crucial for enhancing worker performance, it should not replace human workers. Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Frank Vandenbroucke and WHO Regional Director Dr. Hans Kluge positively received Minister Abela’s suggestions during their concluding remarks.
The minister also emphasized the need for all Member States to intensify their efforts in preventive care to continue reducing the burden of hypertension, heart disease, and cancer.
Regarding pharmaceutical access, Minister Abela insisted that smaller member states should fully benefit from the advantages of a unified market in the current pharmaceutical framework being negotiated. This is to ensure equitable access to medicines at fair prices. Minister Abela concluded by affirming Malta’s opposition to any obstacles that impede such access within the Health Union.