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Jean Paul Sofia Public Inquiry Officially Published

Jean Paul Sofia Public Inquiry Officially Published
Feb 28 2024 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela announced on social media that the public inquiry report into the death of Jean Paul Sofia has been received and that the proceeded to publish it immediately. 

‘We are willing to continue reforming the construction sector and carrying out the inquiry’s recommendations’, wrote the Prime Minister. 

The board concluded by quoting a discourse made by Harold Walker MP, who served as Secretary of State for Employment in the UK in December 1979.

“Laws alone cannot prevent death and injury at work. Whatever legislation is enacted will always be dependent for its effectiveness on the spirit, will and determination of all those responsible for its implementation – management and workers alike. It is only in this way that health and safety precautions will not become just a mere paper exercise. Today there is a new awareness of the need to diminish the grief, suffering and hardship caused by occupational accidents and diseases. The best way to achieve this is through a co-operative endeavour between management and worker. Death, injury and disease should not be part of the routine pursuit of earning a living. They will only recede into the shadows of history if there is a concerted effort to push them there.”

The statement was made during a forum organised with the British Safety Council (BSC) and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) on the five year anniversary of the enactment of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. 


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Joseph Muscat Denies MEP Contest Claims

Joseph Muscat Denies MEP Contest Claims
Feb 28 2024 Share

Times of Malta reported that former Labour leader Joseph Muscat refuted claims made by Labour pundit Emanuel Cuschieri regarding his alleged acceptance to contest the European Parliament elections. 

When contacted, Muscat stated that “nothing has changed.” Cuschieri had asserted on his Facebook page that Muscat had agreed to run, attributing this claim to comments allegedly made by Muscat’s wife, Michelle, during a political event for MEP candidate Claudette Abela Baldacchino.

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According to Cuschieri, Michelle Muscat expressed continued loyalty to the Labour Party and affirmed their ongoing support if called upon. 

Muscat’s intentions have been a subject of speculation since January when Cuschieri initially suggested his potential candidacy, although Muscat has remained noncommittal, stating he has yet to decide.

Prime Minister Robert Abela left the possibility open for Muscat’s return, stating that Muscat must make his own decision regarding candidacy, but if he chooses to run, there is no reason for Abela to oppose it. 

Internal party polling indicates that Muscat’s candidacy could significantly benefit the Labour Party, potentially securing a fourth MEP seat in the elections. However, without Muscat’s participation, the party is still poised to win with a considerable majority.


Why You Should Tell Your Friend to Apply for Love Island Malta

Why You Should Tell Your Friend to Apply for Love Island Malta
Feb 28 2024 Share

Have you ever imagined your friend as a reality TV star? By encouraging them to apply for Love Island Malta, you could be the catalyst for their rise to fame.

Picture it: your friend becoming the centre of the next viral moment that sweeps across social media platforms, their name on everyone’s lips. Beyond the glitz and glam, Love Island Malta offers a genuine chance for contestants to find love, navigating the highs and lows of relationships under the idyllic Maltese sun.


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For fans of the show, the thought of spending six weeks in a luxury villa is thrilling. It’s a unique way to disconnect from the outside world. Moreover, participating in Love Island Malta isn’t just about the fame or the romance; there’s a substantial cash prize at stake.

By applying, your friend could walk away with not only a potential partner but also with a €20,000 cash prize. So, why not play matchmaker and career launcher all in one by suggesting your friend apply? It’s an opportunity too good to miss.

Apply (or nominate) here: https://loveislandmalta.tv/#contact-us

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New Deputy Police Commissioner Appointed

New Deputy Police Commissioner Appointed
Feb 28 2024 Share

Kenneth Haber was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Police on Wednesday during a ceremony in which eight new assistant commissioners and 14 superintendents were also appointed.

Home Minister Byron Camilleri presented letters of appointment in a ceremony attended by Commissioner Angelo Gafà.

Gafà remarked that the Malta police were operating within a society that was evolving, and the Force itself was midway through a transformation strategy, the fruits of which were evident. He observed that according to the latest Eurobarometer survey, the Malta police were by far the most trusted institution in the country.

“It’s crucial to maintain motivation among your colleagues and be agents of change. Simultaneously, we must remain at service to the people, ensuring that we continue to earn the trust of the public through our work” Commissioner Gafà was quoted as saying in a police statement.

The commissioner also paid tribute to the memory of Superintendent Jesmond Borg, who passed away five months ago. Borg was among the prospective candidates for the position of assistant commissioner.