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Jean Paul Sofia Inquiry Report To Be Released Wednesday

Jean Paul Sofia Inquiry Report To Be Released Wednesday
Feb 26 2024 Share

The inquiry board announced that a public inquiry report regarding the construction site fatality of Jean Paul Sofia will be presented to the Prime Minister on Wednesday, with the family receiving a copy the same day. 

Sofia, 20, tragically died in a building collapse at a Corradino construction site on December 3, 2022. 

His untimely death, along with five injuries, sparked widespread concerns over construction site safety, prompting Sofia’s mother, Isabelle Bonnici, to call for a public inquiry, backed by the Nationalist Party and civil society. Despite initial resistance from Prime Minister Robert Abela, public pressure eventually led to the announcement of the inquiry. 

Matters escalated when the Opposition pushed for the inquiry in parliament, resulting in a commotion and eventual U-turn from the Prime Minister. 

Meanwhile, a magistrate’s inquiry led to charges against five individuals for involuntary homicide. The subsequent public inquiry uncovered a litany of failures at the site, including structural flaws, inadequate supervision, and legislative gaps, highlighting the need for regulatory reform in the construction sector. 

Led by Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, assisted by Auditor General Charles Deguara and court expert Mario Cassar, the public inquiry aimed to address the systemic issues exposed by Sofia’s tragic death.


US Air Force Member Sets Himself On Fire Outside DC Israeli Embassy

US Air Force Member Sets Himself On Fire Outside DC Israeli Embassy
Feb 26 2024 Share

An incident unfolded on Sunday outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, where an active-duty member of the US Air Force set himself on fire, as confirmed by both the Air Force and local authorities. 

The Metropolitan Police Department responded to the scene to assist the United States Secret Service after receiving reports of the individual setting themselves ablaze in front of the embassy.

Identified as Aaron Bushnell in a video reviewed by CNN, the man expressed his opposition to what he perceived as complicity in genocide and proclaimed his act as a minimal response compared to the suffering of Palestinians.

In the footage, Bushnell pours an unidentified liquid over himself before igniting it while shouting “Free Palestine.” He collapsed as police intervened to extinguish the flames. Rose Riley, a US Air Force spokesperson, confirmed the involvement of an active-duty Airman in the incident. 

The man was critically injured and transported to a local hospital by DC Fire and EMS. The Israeli Embassy reported no injuries to its staff. The fire was already extinguished by the time firefighters arrived, aided by the US Secret Service. Investigation efforts are underway involving the Metropolitan Police Department, the Secret Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


Roberta Metsola First Maltese To Win International Peace Award

Roberta Metsola First Maltese To Win International Peace Award
Feb 26 2024 Share

Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, was honoured with the Boniface VIII International Award in Rome for her outstanding political, diplomatic, cultural, and social contributions, recognised as those of a true stateswoman serving Europe and the global community. 

She is the first Maltese person to be awarded the award. 

Grateful for the opportunity to represent Malta alongside Europe on the world stage, Metsola emphasised her unwavering commitment to peace, a value she continues to uphold. 

She sees this accolade as affirmation of her dedication to strengthening Europe, promoting peace, and advancing democracy.

The award was presented to Metsola by Professor Sante de Angelis, Rector and President of the Accademia Bonificiana, in a ceremony held in Rome. Metsola’s reception of this prestigious international honour is significant as she becomes the first Maltese individual to achieve this distinction. 

The timing of the event, coinciding with the two-year mark since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, adds further resonance to Metsola’s recognition.


Concerns As Teens Leave Litter On Tallinja Bus

Concerns As Teens Leave Litter On Tallinja Bus
Feb 26 2024 Share

A spokesperson reached out to MaltaDaily to share their experience of witnessing teens littering on a Tallinja bus headed to Ċirkewwa. 

The person explained that whilst on the Bus Route 222 heading to Ċirkewwa, a group of individuals boarded the bus at St Julian’s after having apparently been at a supermarket. 

‘They were quite loud and disruptive during the journey, but what truly shocked me was their disregard for basic manners and cleanliness.’ 

‘They proceeded to eat on the bus and carelessly threw their trash on the floor, showing no intention of picking it up until they reached their destination in Ċirkewwa. Even the driver had to intervene and reprimand them for their behaviour.’

The person explained that it saddens them to witness such disregard for our environment and community, especially from young individuals who are the future of the island. 
