Health Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has just tabled the first reading of new amendments to IVF legislation in parliament’s first session on Monday.
The bill aims to propose changes to several laws concerning IVF, with the intention of making the treatment easier and more accessible to couples who struggle.
Parliament has not yet started debating the amendments but the government is expected to press ahead with pushing for IVF reform as a matter of priority. The amendments will bee discussed at committee stage this week before being presented to all MPs for a third reading and vote.
This comes after Prime Minister Robert Abela pledged to reform IVF laws within the first 100 days of this legislature. The treatment has been available as part of the national health service since November 2013.
Illum, propju fl-ewwel seduta ta’ xogħol tal-#Parlament, ressaqt l-ewwel qari tal-abbozz ta’ liġi biex inwessgħu l-liġi tal-#IVF: biex b’hekk ma nċaħħdu lil ħadd mill-opportunità li jibni familja. pic.twitter.com/cKmzCNk0N4
— Chris Fearne (@chrisfearne) May 9, 2022
The amendments would extend the service to couples who suffered miscarriages, couples who ended cycles of IVF which were unsuccessful and couples who have medical complication history.
The government would also like to amend laws to allow parents who have already had a child through IVF to apply for a second treatment round to have another child. With cycles costing between €15,000 and €20,000 each, the government is proposing to make medicines related to IVF treatment free. This follows a suggestion made by the Opposition in 2017.