
It’s official: You can’t pile up +2 or +4 cards during Uno

It’s official: You can’t pile up +2 or +4 cards during Uno
Aug 12 2022 Share

As if disagreements over a card game of Uno weren’t already heated, the creators have come out and officially set a rule straight: you can’t pile +2 and +4 cards. 

Uno has caused many to reassess their friendships as the game is known to bring out the dexterity and slyness of all players. And not everyone can take the adrenaline. 

One classic way for players to get quick revenge is to stack up another +2 or +4 card until it’s the poor player’s turn who doesn’t have any such cards in their deck. 

This can accumulate into a player ending up with an insane amount of cards in their hands. Thankfully (or not?) Uno have confirmed that this is not in the rule book. 

If you’re hit with a +4 card, you must embrace your punishment and pick up those cards. However, many players have house rules and insist that it’s the creators who are playing the game wrong. 

What is apparently allowed however is playing a skip card of the same colour, which will pass the unwanted baton on to the next player to pick up the extra 4 cards. 


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WATCH: St Gaetan statue safely makes it up church steps to finish off feast

St Gaetan statue safely makes it up church steps to finish off feast
Aug 12 2022 Share

All festa lovers are familiar with the traditional run at the end of the statue procession to close off the celebrations. And here is this year’s big finish – a culmination of around 2 years of COVID-19 hiatus. 

The festa lovers loved it, but tension during this moment is often very much present as this part of the procession could very much lead to unprecedented disaster. 


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The statue has come close to almost being toppled in the past, with many on the church steps usually playing a major role in avoiding the ruckus that could be caused if the large statue is indeed dropped. 

This time around, the carriers managed to bring the state of the locally beloved saint up the steps safely and with surprising agility, considering they are carrying such a huge figure and base. 


Calling future ITS students: new campus green lit by PA

Calling future ITS students: new campus green lit by PA
Aug 12 2022 Share

The Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) will be relocating to Smart City after the Planning board green lit planning permission to develop a new hospitality campus for local and foreign students. 

The campus will not only feature classrooms, offices, a library, a cafeteria and an auditorium. It is set to include an indoor pool with spa, wine cellar, three restaurants with related kitchens, food sciences labs, a bakery, student rooms and 5 incubation centres. 

Childcare centres and a basket ball court will also all be included on this new campus. Filed back in 2016, the application was recommended for approval and green lit this Thursday in a board meeting. 

Set to be built on a site southwest of Smart City, it occupies an area of 9,150 square meters and will be applicable through a ring road whose planning application is also pending. 

The architect also highlighted that ITS wants to ensure that the building will reach near zero carbon footprint to match with the EU directives. 

All rainwater will be collected into an underground water reservoir which will have a capacity of 60% of the roof area and used for irrigation purposes. Waste generated will also be stored in a dedicated underground area and divided into different disposal collection categories. 

Apart from this, a 200kWp polycrystalline photovoltaic system will be installed and will generate 320,000kWh of electricity. This will provide for the 4.57% of the annual electrical consumption needed. 


Woman injured in Quadbike accident in Gozo

Aug 12 2022 Share

Yesterday at around 1300hrs police were informed of a traffic accident that took place in  Triq ix-Xlendi, Munxar in Gozo.

After going to the location of the accident the police learnt that a 29-year old Portuguese man driving a Tip Access quadbike unfortunately lost control of the bike and had a big impact with a wall. The man was also driving with a 32-year old Portuguese woman.

A medical team and an ambulance were immediately called to the location. The woman was taken to Gozo’s general hospital for more care and checkups. Whilst there she was also confirmed to have been grievously injured.

Investigations on the case are still ongoing.
