As people get used to carrying around a COVID-19 vaccination certificate to do all sorts of daily things, an Italian student has went the extra mile to avoid all the hassle. Andrea Colonnetta from Reggio Calabria got inked with his COVID-19 vaccine certificate’s barcode on his bicep. He told newsroom Corriere della Calabria that its certainly something original and he likes being different. As many are going against the certificate and vaccination itself, Colonnetta has worn his vaccination proof to both ease his certificate use and remember this iconic moment in history.
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The student even showed how the tattoo worked as he scanned the barcode to enter a fast-food joint. The video went absolutely viral on TikTok, dividing the internet as the whole vaccination situation has been doing so far. Some pointed to it as a publicity stunt, but Andrea seems to be enjoying easy access to everything from cinemas, museums and restaurants.
@gabrielepelleronereal Green pass al McDonald’s 🤯 #tatuaggi #tatuatori #tatuatore #tattooartist #greenpass
Photo Source: @gabrielepellerone IG