
Italian Footballer Stephan El Shaarawy Spotted In Malta

Italian Footballer Stephan El Shaarawy Spotted In Malta
Jul 17 2024 Share

Italian professional footballer Stephan El Shaarawy has been spotted in Malta for the Isle of MTV Malta festival yesterday.

Stephan El Shaarawy began his career at Genoa, and was signed by Milan in 2011. He has been previously regarded as one of the most promising youngsters of his generation, El Shaarawy had his break through in the first half of the 2012-2013 season. In 2019, he  transferred to the Chinese club Shanghai Greenland Shenhua, before making a return to Roma eighteen months later.

A fan spotted the footballer as he was in Malta accompanying his girlfriend, Ludovica Pagani, who is an Italian celebrity DJ, who was playing at the Isle of MTV sold out official after party.



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Johnathan Bailey Spotted in Malta

Jul 17 2024 Share

Renowned English actor Jonathan Bailey was recently spotted at the Isle of MTV festival in Malta, as seen on Nathan Henry’s Instagram story. Bailey, best known for his portrayal of Anthony Bridgerton in Netflix’s acclaimed series “Bridgerton”.

Jonathan Bailey, born on April 25, 1988, in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, has had a passion for acting since a young age. His interest was sparked by a performance of “Oliver!” he attended when he was just five years old. Bailey’s professional acting career began at the age of seven with the Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of “A Christmas Carol,” marking the start of his journey in the performing arts.

Bailey has built a diverse and successful career across theater, television, and film. His early work includes notable roles in series such as “Broadchurch” and “Doctor Who.” However, it is his role as Anthony Bridgerton that has catapulted him to international fame, earning him widespread recognition and acclaim.

In addition to his on-screen achievements, Bailey is also celebrated for his stage performances. He won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in a Musical for his role in the 2018 revival of Stephen Sondheim’s “Company.” His dynamic presence and versatility have made him a prominent figure in both the West End and on screen.



How To Deal With Power Cuts in Malta

How To Deal With Power Cuts in Malta
Jul 17 2024 Share

Living in Malta has its perks – beautiful beaches, historical sites, and amazing food. But then there are the power cuts, those unexpected moments when everything goes dark and you’re left wondering how to pass the time without your beloved electronic devices. Fear not! Here are five hilariously practical ways to handle power cuts in Malta.

1. Channel Your Inner Caveman

When the lights go out, it’s time to get back to basics. Light some candles and pretend you’re living in prehistoric times. Gather your family around and tell stories by candlelight. If you’re feeling really adventurous, try making shadow puppets on the wall. Who knew a simple power cut could turn into a family bonding and creative storytelling session? Just be sure to keep those candles away from the curtains!

2. Read a Book

Remember those paper things with words printed on them? They’re called books, and they don’t need electricity. Power cuts are the perfect excuse to dive into that novel you’ve been neglecting. Grab a flashlight, cozy up in your favorite chair, and let your imagination roam free. It’s a classic pastime that requires no batteries, no internet, and no power. Plus, you’ll look super intellectual and mysterious in the glow of your flashlight.

3. Host a Candlelit Dinner

Turn a power cut into a romantic opportunity. Break out the candles, set the table, and serve up a no-cook meal like sandwiches or a salad. Pretend you’re dining at a fancy, candlelit restaurant. The dim lighting will add a touch of elegance, and you can impress your partner with your creativity. If you’re dining solo, it’s still a great excuse to enjoy a peaceful, distraction-free meal. And hey, you can always pretend you’re in a historical drama.

4. Play Board Games or Card Games

Rediscover the joy of old-school entertainment with some good old-fashioned board games or card games. Monopoly, Scrabble, Uno – the options are endless. It’s a great way to pass the time, have some laughs, and maybe get a little competitive. Just be prepared for the inevitable argument over the rules of the game. Who knew power cuts could bring out everyone’s inner game enthusiast?

5. Practice Your Stand-Up Comedy

Why not use this time to unleash your inner comedian? Gather everyone around and take turns doing stand-up comedy. Make jokes about the power cut, your daily life, or Maltese quirks. It’s a great way to lighten the mood and share some laughs. If you’re really good, you might even discover a hidden talent for comedy. Who needs Netflix when you’ve got live entertainment right in your living room?

Power cuts in Malta don’t have to be a drag. Embrace them as a chance to get creative, have some fun, and enjoy a break from the digital world. So, light those candles, grab a book, whip up a candlelit dinner, dust off the board games, and get ready to laugh. Before you know it, the lights will be back on, and you’ll have some unforgettable memories to look back on.


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Prime Minister Robert Abela Addresses the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum

Prime Minister Robert Abela Addresses the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum
Jul 17 2024 Share

Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasized the need for a comprehensive immigration strategy involving countries of origin, transit, and destination during his address at the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli. The event, organised by the Libyan government , saw participation from European and African nations.

The Prime Minister stated that “We cannot have an effective strategy for immigration without involving the countries of origin and transit.” He highlighted that immigration must be addressed at its roots, focusing on strategic cooperation to prevent departures from Africa to Europe.

Robert Abela identified two main categories of immigrants: those fleeing conflict and those seeking economic opportunities, noting that each requires tailored solutions. He stressed the importance of managing borders while also providing financial support to developing countries to create wealth and opportunities, ensuring value from investments.

“Malta is a small country, but it is led by example when we speak against human trafficking”, said the Prime Minister, he urged for stronger cooperation from origin countries in repatriating citizens living illegally in destination countries and underscored the significance of repatriation and border security in combating human traffickers.

Robert Abela highlighted Malta’s role in advocating for strategic cooperation between Europe and Africa, recognizing the efforts of transit countries like Libya. He referred to the Valletta Summit on immigration held in Malta, asserting that its principles remain relevant. Robert Abela concluded by calling for collective efforts to improve quality of life and reduce the allure of irregular immigration.
