
Is The Iconic St. Julian’s ‘LOVE’ Sign Going Red?

May 17 2024 Share

Photos sent to this newsroom have revealed that the iconic ‘LOVE’ sign at Spinola, St. Julian’s seems to be going red.

With workers visibly plastering the recognisable sign in what seems to be a red sticker, questions have started to arise about the future of the recognisable Maltese landmark.

The popular tourist spot and beloved Instagram snap location was erected in 2003 and designed by prolific architect and academic Richard England. Partly due to its captivating reflection trick, spelling ‘LOVE’ on the sea-water below it, the sign went on to win an award from the International Academy of Architecture in 2003.

In 2020, the sign received a much-need facelift, with broken marble and rusted railing replaced to look as polished as ever.

Could this sticker be the sign of the latest makeover?


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Minecraft Celebrates 15 Year Anniversary

May 17 2024 Share

Record breaking video game Minecraft today celebrates it’s 15 year anniversary since it was first released.

The game first released on the 17th of May 2009 by Swedish video game developer Mojang Studios was originally titled Cave Game. In the original prototype players would explore a flat world filled only with cobblestone and grass in the form of pixelated, square blocks.

Little did Mojang know how the game, later titled Minecraft, would take the world by storm becoming the best-selling game of all time with a reported 300 million copies sold since release.

For the first couple of years, Minecraft was only a prototype of what it would become with various alpha and beta versions of the game being released prior to 2013 when the full game finally landed.

Over the years the game has passed through several updates and spin off videogames as well as books and millions of toys. To round things up a Minecraft movie starring Jack Black and Jason Momoa is also currently in production and set to release in 2025.


Teachers Union Claims Discrimination After Members Denied Doughnuts

Teachers Union Claims Discrimination After Members Denied Doughnuts
May 17 2024 Share

The Union of Professional Educators (UPE) in Malta has raised concerns over alleged discriminatory practices at a recent COPE session held at a local Primary school.

According to a recent statement published by the UPE, staff members at the school who followed the union’s directive to abstain from attending the COPE meeting were excluded from receiving doughnuts distributed by the school’s Head and management team. This action, perceived as an attempt to penalise UPE members, has been labeled as “immature behaviour” by the union.

The UPE has condemned the incident, asserting that such actions only reinforce their resolve to combat unethical practices among public servants. The union is questioning whether similar treatment is meted out to members of other unions and suggests that this may be indicative of a broader issue of bias within the school’s administration.

In response to the incident, the UPE has announced its intention to take further action against those responsible, emphasising their commitment to ensuring fair treatment for all educators.


29 Architects Receive Their Warrants To Start Practicing Professionally

May 17 2024 Share

29 Maltese architects have been awarded their warrants in order to start practicing their profession professionally in a sector where demand is still as high as ever.

The warrants were awarded by parliamentary secretary for public works Omar Farrugia. During the event Farrugia spoke about how architects are not only needed for the development of the country but more importantly for the sustainable development of the country.

He went on to say  “I encourage architects to be bold in their visions and not let anyone limit their dreams. Bold initiatives are the ones that change the world. The future of Malta is in their hands, and I am convinced that architects are ready to elevate the level of our architecture.”

He concluded his speech by reminding that every building they create, every space they design, is the legacy they will leave behind. It is important that this legacy reflects their passion, innovation, and commitment to the great profession of architecture.

The Chairperson of the Warranting Board for Architects, Frank Psaila, also addressed the ceremony. He explained that since the establishment of this board in August 2022, 226 warrants have been issued. He also described how, in recent years, several necessary and bold reforms have been implemented in this field.

“The reforms place responsibility on everyone, especially the architects. My appeal remains for responsibility in the decisions they make, while being proud of their profession and using it to create beauty that can be enjoyed for generations to come,” reiterated Dr. Psaila.
