
iPhone 13 launch to happen at Apple’s biggest event of 2021

Sep 8 2021 Share

Apple headquarters is brimming with all the latest tech news and goodies as their latest (and apparently biggest) streaming event is taking place on September 14, which is when the latest iPhone will drop.

The iPhone 13 is amongst a list of new Apple devices, including the Apple Watch Series 7, which will launch at the tech giant’s upcoming streaming event. The event will be held online due to continued concerns surrounding the pandemic, with Apple’s senior vice president Greg Joswiak hyping the event with a flashy teaser video set against a mountain range silhouette.

Apple’s September event is typically the most anticipated one in the tech company’s calendar, which is where it normally launches its product line-up ahead of the holiday shopping season, where it has previously set records for iPhones, iPads and Mac computer revenue.

Send this to someone who is waiting for the Apple event.


Politics set aside as PN Deputy Leader Robert Arrigo in intensive care

Sep 8 2021 Share

Malta’s politicians put political colours aside over the past few days after Nationalist Party Deputy Leader was admitted to Mater Dei Hospital on Friday, where he was receiving intensive care.

First suggestions of the issue were related to the presence of kidney stones, with the PN deputy leader developing an infection before he could be treated, which is when he was transferred to the intensive treatment unit.

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Various politicians published posts wishing Arrigo a speedy recovery including Prime Minister Robert Abela and Nationalist Party Leader Bernard Grech. Others include Minister for Tourism Clayton Bartolo, Parliamentary Speaker Anġlu Farrugia and fellow PN Deputy Leader David Agius.

Here’s wishing Robert Arrigo a speedy recovery.


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Luqa the first to get better roads among Malta’s industrial areas

Luqa the first to get better roads among Malta’s industrial areas
Sep 7 2021 Share

Economy Minister Silvio Schembri announced that around 1.2 kilometres of roads will service the Luqa industrial estate. Similar works will be taking place in the near future, with the minister revealing that the €5.5 million investment will see upgrades to roads and new routes being introduced. 

Schembri revealed that more road work network upgrades will also be carried out around industrial areas with a €30 million investment in the Hal Far, Bulebel, Marsa, Corradino and San Gwann industrial areas. The project is being heralded by Industrial Innovative Solutions (INDIS) Malta, a stage agency which manages Malta’s industrial zones. 

Schembri also stated that around 117 small and medium enterprises operating from the Luqa industrial area will benefit after the zone had faced abandonment for up to 40 years. The road face lift is also part of a €470 million investment which was announced in 2020, seeking to help expand Malta’s industrial infrastructure. The work on the industrial roads in the area is expected to take about six months to be completed, covering an area of around 92,500 square meters. 


Photo Source: Silvio Schembri FB

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Teachers still awaiting new laptops as they make do with old technology

Teachers still awaiting new laptops as they make do with old technology
Sep 7 2021 Share

Several teachers and educators around Malta and Gozo have had to work with laptops given to them approximately 5 years ago. The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) stated that several members of its organisation are finding themselves in varying situations wherein they either do not have the necessary equipment to operate with or make do with old technology which often malfunction. 

The Ministry for Education stated that it is still awaiting new laptops to arrive in Malta, with Permanent Secretary for the Education Ministry Dr Frank Fabri telling Newsbook that the ministry checks the online platforms from where the laptops are purchased every single week. They are however unavailable due to the lack of production of chips on an international level. 

Teachers also spoke to the newsroom Newsbook, revealing how at the pandemic’s peak, the laptops they currently possess proved inadequate for the school workload. Some teachers have complained about working with laptops whose batteries died or with damaged webcams and/or microphones. Given the advent of online learning due to the pandemic, this made teaching more difficult. 

Given today’s technological context, the old laptops are not up to date to keep up. Newsbook was also informed by MUT that a number of directives have been issued in April. 


Photo Source: Malta Union of Teachers