Santa Marija week proved very eventful for the Environment & Resources Authority’s Enforcement Officers, as they conducted marine patrols.
The lives of two protected species were saved after the animals were found in distress at sea.
‘Whilst inspecting the Marine Protected Areas in the Southern part of the island, a Yelkouan Shearwater (Garnija in Maltese) was noted to be floating on the sea surface, evidently in distress. Yelkouan Shearwaters are small seabirds endemic to the Mediterranean, with Malta hosting around 10% of the global population of this species.’
Meanwhile, near FIlfla, a young Loggerhead turtle was spotted finding difficulty to dive. This was probably caused due to plastic or hook ingestion, which cause a build-up of air in the stomach.
‘Both the distressed seabird and turtle were picked up by ERAs enforcement officers and sent for rehabilitation, following which they could be released into their natural habitat’.
‘During its sea patrols, ERA voluntarily collects plastic and other waste irresponsibly dumped in the sea to reduce the significant harm on marine life. Hence, the public, particularly boat users, are urged to act more sustainably.’