
Information on cultural and social sector reopening by tomorrow

Information on cultural and social sector reopening by tomorrow
Jun 10 2021 Share

Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne and Culture Minister Jose Herrera have revealed that information regarding the resuming of cultural and social events will be released on Friday 11th June 2021. With July expected to see a controlled reopening, Fearne stated that those vaccinated will be getting a plan as to how the social and cultural life in Malta will be restarting.

The Health Minister stated that the COVID-19 situation in Malta is under control, but a cautionary restart is still required so as not to instigate any sudden surge in cases. Pressure has been put to issue out a plan by artists and those involved in the cultural sector, with a campaign appropriately called Restart decrying that the sector is the only one left in the dark throughout the pandemic.


Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB, Restart FB

FKNK tracked birds allegedly died soon after release

FKNK tracked birds allegedly died soon after release
Jun 10 2021 Share

In March, the ‘Federazzjoni Kaccaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti’ (FKNK) was given a €14,000 public cash grant to  release and monitor turtle doves bred in captivity. It was noted however that nearly all the protected birds in the tracking programme died within days of release. The FKNK, who is attempting to collect data on turtle doves to support a bid which will let them hunt the species, denied the claim. Solar-powered GPS transmitters were attached to six birds released with the latest group between May and June.

A spokesperson for the EU suppliers of the tracking devices stated that five of the six birds showed no signs of life just a few days after they were equipped and released into the wild. The spokesperson stated in correspondence with Times of Malta that two transmitters are currently active, with one having been retrieved and put onto another bird.

The federation declined to provide access to the tracking data, and stated that the company made false claims as eight, not six, trackers were purchased. It was later conceded however that two were returned when delivery problems were encountered. FKNK stated it is prepared to take legal action should the company persist in these claims.


Photo Source: Federazzjoni Kaccaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti – FKNK FB

Mino Raiola plans to sign top Maltese female player

Mino Raiola plans to sign top Maltese female player
Jun 10 2021 Share

The internationally renowned football agent Mino Raiola has confirmed his interest in a Maltese female player on Wednesday. Despite not specifying who the player is, he revealed his interest during a press conference centred around ThreeSports, which is a representation company based in Qormi he himself owns. He also spoke about being immensely impressed by the player’s achievements and stated that he will see if ThreeSports can sign her due to being ‘one of the best.’

Raiola represents high profile players like Paul Pogba, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Erling Haaland. He stated that he was always a pioneer of wherever the players hail from and is not restricted to any country. He stated that ‘for sure, Malta will have a top player in the top clubs and hopefully it’s mine.’ Who might this female football star be?


Photo Source: Football365

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Maltese author and psychologist Edward de Bono passes away aged 88

Maltese author and psychologist Edward de Bono passes away aged 88
Jun 10 2021 Share

The late Edward de Bono was an academic, creative thinker, psychologist and doctor whose work has reached global praise and influence. His particular interests were the mind’s ability to organise information and find innovative ways of thinking. He published several books, some of which were international hits – including ‘The Six Thinking Hats’, ‘Lateral Thinking’ and ‘How to have a Beautiful Mind.’

Born Edward Charles Francis Publius de Bono in Malta on 19th of May 1933, he went on to hold faculty appointments at Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard. Helping to establish Cambridge university’s medical school, he was also one of the 27 Ambassadors of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009.




De Bono is most known for his idea of ‘lateral thinking’ – a mode of thought distinguished from critical thinking. Whereas critical thinking is mostly concerned with judging the true value of statements, lateral thinking focuses on the ‘movement value of statements’. Thus, a person will move from one known idea to new ideas.



His life has been greatly commemorated following his passing on 9th June 2021. Prime Minister Robert Abela quoted De Bono who once said that ‘a memory is what is left when something happens and does not unhappen.’ He stated that De Bono’s thinking will continue to inspire everyone to do better.







The tributes continued to pour in, with Opposition Leader Bernard Grech stating that Malta has just lost a thinker who made Malta immensely proud. He added that De Bono’s knowledge will live on through the studies of students and all this who use his creative tools on a daily basis.


Photo Source: grupobbc.com

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