World famous social media influencer Nas Daily will be returning to the island of Malta to film 10 separate videos as part of his 2023 world tour.
@nasdaily Did you enjoy our Indonesia videos? At least we did. haha. That’s why we wanna get back to daily video making as a team. And show you more of the world!! Join our Travel Community if you want to suggest video ideas, show up in our videos, be our friend, etc etc. See you soon!
Nuseir Yassin, an Israeli-Palestinian, quit his job as a software engineer to ravel around the world, launching his Nas Daily brand as he filmed one minute videos every single day.
Nas had already made his way to Malta before, filming around 17 videos while on the island, all catalogued on his social media and website.
‘NasDaily is coming back’ said Yassin on TikTok, going on to reveal that Malta will be one of the countries he will be travelling to so that he can show his 5.7 million followers the world.
Nas urged anyone who wishes to help with video ideas to join his page to recommend things the social media entrepreneur can highlight.