
India surpasses 200,000 COVID-19 deaths

India surpasses 200,000 COVID-19 deaths
Apr 28 2021 Share

The COVID-19 situation in India continues to worsen day by day as it registers over 200,000 deaths due to the pandemic. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare gave an updated official figure of 201,187 cases but many suspect that the numbers are actually higher. The past 24 hours saw a total of 3,293 deaths with 362,757 new infections on Wednesday.

This means that India hit another global record, taking its total over 17.9 million cases. Countries who passed the 200,000 death threshold were the US, Brazil and Mexico. The country’s health system has effectively been overwhelmed, with a large shortage of oxygen supplies for patients making the situation worse. Car parks are being used as crematoriums with fires lighting up India’s night sky.


Photo Source: DW

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Total COVID-19 active cases below 400

Total COVID-19 active cases below 400
Apr 28 2021 Share

Malta had just dropped below 500 active cases last Saturday 24th April 2021. Today however the number of active cases dropped again to below 400 and are currently at 374. The vaccine rollout and measures seem to have the desired effect of mitigating the spread.

OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 28•04•2021Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate

Posted by saħħa on Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Measures have also started to be eased as cases continue to drop significantly. With around 50% of Malta’s adult population vaccinated and 323,324 vaccines administered, health authorities still advise the public to adhere to the health and safety measures in order to continue mitigation and progress towards an eradication of COVID-19 once and for all.

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Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB, Sahha FB

15 COVID-19 cases registered with 41 recoveries

15 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 74 recoveries
Apr 28 2021 Share

Malta has registered 15 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 1,690 swab tests, while 41 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Wednesday 28th April 2021, 323,324 vaccine doses were administered of which 103,882 were 2nd doses.

To date, Malta has registered 30,249 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 29,462 have recovered, 413 died and 374 are still active.


Tattoos that fully disappear developed by New York startup

Tattoos that fully disappear developed by New York startup
Apr 28 2021 Share

A New York has created the first ever tattoos that disappear after a while. This breakthrough opens up the inking market to a completely new clientele – maybe those who simply want to test how a particular tattoo looks on them or for those who just want it for a short period of time. The company Ephemeral has, after six years of development, created an ink composed of biodegradable polymers that naturally dissolve between nine and 15 months.

One of the three co-founders of Ephemeral, Josh Sakhai, worked on developing the ink due to being afraid of how his Iranian family might react to him getting a permanent tattoo. Using products approved by the US FDA, they developed the formula in Milford, Connecticut. Costing between $175 and $450, the tattoos are inked at a parlour which opened in Brooklyn last March.


Photo Source: Diabetes

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