Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary Work and Consumer Rights Julia Farrugia Portelli addressed parliament yesterday, wherein she called for ‘gaslighting’ to be considered as a criminal offence in domestic violence legislation.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation which involves the abuser creating self-doubt in the victim’s mind when they are being accused of something.

Farrugia Portelli drew on the UK as an example, where laws have already been strengthened to include the phenomenon as a crime, punishable even with a maximum five year jail term.
Stating that she is a survivor of domestic violence herself, the Minister said that abusers use language that demeans the victim by calling them mad or paranoid.
They even try to twist words, she said, by saying that the victim ‘cannot take a joke’ or ‘is imagining things.’ The Minister said that she experienced this herself and whenever she brought it up in parliament, she received the support of others who suffered gaslighting.