
New Initiative Promises To Reduce Air Pollution By 90 %

Improving Air Quality for 17,000 Families in Malta
Jul 10 2024 Share

Malta’s innovative onshore power supply project is now operational in the Grand Harbour, representing a €33 million investment co-financed by the European Connecting Europe Facility fund. This initiative allows cruise liners to connect to a ground-based electricity system, significantly reducing pollution by enabling ships to  turn off their engines while berthed. The project promises a 90% reduction in ship-generated pollution, greatly improving air quality for approximately 17,000 local families.

Prime Minister Robert Abela highlighted the project’s significance for Malta’s environmental goals, emphasising its role in fostering sustainable and innovative practices in the maritime sector. Abela noted the crucial impact of this project on public health, despite its lack of visibility compare to other infrastructure projects.

This project, which was started in late 2020 during the epidemic, establishes Malta as an example in Europe and can supply electricity to up to five cruise ships at once from the beach. By distributing 64MVA of power over several quays, the system reduces CO2 emissions by approximately 40%, or 30,400 tonnes of CO2 yearly.

Transport Minister Chris Bonett praised the collaboration between infrastructure Malta, Transport Malta, and other partners in achieving this milestone. The project’s infrastructure, including frequency converters and extensive power cables, ensures efficient electricity distribution.

Making the first electrical supply to the cruise ship MSC World Europa is a big step in the direction of decarbonising maritime operations.


Maltese Soldiers Excel in Elite Training Course in Italy

Maltese Soldiers Excel in Elite Training Course in Italy
Jul 10 2024 Share

Personnel from C-Company 1 Regiment of the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) have distinguished  themselves in an intensive Visit Boarding Search and Seizure Course (VBSS) held in San Marco, Italy.

The rigorous training aimed to enhance their operational capabilities in maritime security. This accomplishment underscores the AFM’s  commitment to safeguarding the nation’s security and integrity. The successful  completion of the course reflects the high level of preparation and professionalism of the Maltese soldiers.

AFM personnel continue to stand ready to defend Malta’s interests both at home and abroad.


200 More MRI Scans Weekly to Tackle Waiting Times

Jul 10 2024 Share

An increase in the number of extra MRI scans performed each week by government hospitals in Malta will soon be implemented to significantly reduce waiting times. Currently, 375 additional scans are conducted weekly after normal operating hours. This number will be increased to 600 extra scans per week in the coming days, as announced in parliament by Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela.

These figures were shared by Minister Abela in response to a parliamentary question posed by PN MP Graziella Attard Previ. It was highlighted that funding for these extra MRI scans will be increased from €2.1 million to €3.8 million, enabling approximately 31,200 additional scans to be performed annually.

It was stated by Abela that a drastic reduction in waiting times for these scans is expected within a year.

This announcement follows recent data, which revealed that over 15,750 individuals are currently on the waiting list for an MRI scan, double the number from six months ago. To further address this backlog, it was announced in January that an MRI scanner would be installed at St. Vincent De Paul Residence and another would be procured for Gozo General Hospital.

It was mentioned by Abela that the three MRI scanners at Mater Dei Hospital are operating nearly around the clock to meet the growing demand. The surge in demand for MRI imaging has been largely attributed to the increase in population.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is recognized as a crucial non-invasive medical imaging technique that produces detailed images of the body’s organs and tissues. These scans are instrumental in diagnosing a wide range of conditions, including aneurysms, tumors, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord conditions, strokes, brain injuries, torn ligaments, muscle tears, arthritis, joint injuries, heart disease, blood clots, and various cancers. They are particularly valued for examining soft tissues such as the brain, spinal cord, muscles, ligaments, and internal organs.

The expansion of MRI scanning capacity aims to ensure that patients receive timely and accurate diagnoses, improving overall healthcare outcomes. The initiative by the government to increase the number of weekly MRI scans reflects a commitment to enhancing healthcare services and addressing the pressing needs of the population.


Lionel Messi Held Baby Lamine Yamal

Jul 10 2024 Share

In 2007, a young Lionel Messi posed for photos with a baby in the dressing room of Camp Nou in Barcelona for a charity calendar photoshoot. Messi, then just 20 years old, was already making a name for himself and would go on to become arguably the greatest football player of all time. Little did anyone know that the baby in the photo would also make waves in international football less than 17 years later.

The baby, now known as Lamine Yamal, has become a rising star, taking the European Championships by storm. His goal against France in the semi-final on Tuesday is one that will be talked about for decades. At 16 years and 362 days old, the strike made him the youngest man to score in the tournament’s history.

The long-forgotten photo of Messi and Yamal resurfaced after Yamal’s father posted it on Instagram last week with the caption: “The beginning of two legends.” The photos were taken by Joan Monfort, a freelance photographer for the Associated Press, who recalled the unusual circumstances of the shoot.

The shoot came about after UNICEF held a raffle in the town of Mataró, where Lamine’s family lived. “They signed up for the raffle to have their picture taken at Camp Nou with a Barça player. And they won the raffle,” Monfort told the Associated Press. The assignment was challenging, he said. “Messi is a pretty introverted guy, he’s shy,” Monfort explained. “He was coming out of the locker room and suddenly he finds himself in another locker room with a plastic tub full of water and a baby in it. It was complicated. He didn’t even know how to hold him at first.”

Despite the initial awkwardness, the photoshoot captured a moment that has now become iconic. Like Messi, Yamal went on to play for Barcelona, where he became the club’s youngest ever starter and goalscorer, as well as the youngest scorer in the Spanish league.

Mr. Monfort said it was only when the photo started going viral online last week that he realized the baby was Yamal. “It’s very exciting to be associated with something that has caused such a sensation,” he said. “To tell you the truth, it’s a very nice feeling.”

The rediscovered snapshots highlight the early connection between two football legends, marking the beginning of their incredible journeys in the world of football. As Messi continues to add to his legacy and Yamal carves out his own, this photo stands as a testament to the unpredictable and intertwined paths of greatness.

