Immigrants relocated from Malta to Germany

Oct 14 2020 Share

Earlier today, a group group of immigrants were relocated from Malta to Germany following an agreement between the two countries.

The news of relocation comes only a few weeks after another group of immigrants left Malta for France.

These relocations are being co-ordinated by the European Commission, part of an initiative aimed at mitigating the burden of immigration imposed on Malta.


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Cases reach all-time high once again with a record amount of 111 cases

Oct 14 2020 Share

Malta has reached the highest-ever amount of active cases at 940 after the Health Ministry announced a record-high amount of 111 cases in 1 day.

The island now stands at 940 total active cases out of 4,048 cases.


UPE calls for immediate closure of schools; threatens industrial action

Oct 14 2020 Share

The Union of Professional Educators has called for the immediate closure of schools with relation to an alleged COVID-19 case who involuntarily affected their parents.

Alarmed at the recent surge in cases, the union threatens industrial actions if schools close and return to complete online learning.

The UPE has also noted that the workforce has decreased drastically due to a considerable amount of teachers being held in quarantine or on sick leave.


Heritage Malta condemns waste-dump at Fort Delimara

Oct 14 2020 Share

Yesterday, Heritage Malta took to Facebook to condemn the recent acts of vandalism committed on Fort Delimara.

The organisation stated that this not only damages the environment but ‘the cultural patrimony of our island’ and disrespects the relentless work done by the organisation and its volunteers.

As of January 2020, anyone caught dumping any white goods or electronics faces a fine of minimum €500.
