
Il-Lapes delivers another great performance

Dec 13 2020 Share

Il-Lapes has just delivered another great performance, and this time we really couldn’t keep up! His lines were on point and so fast that we were all left out of breath.

Il-Lapes is surely one of Malta’s best rappers! During his final performance he threw us lines about the judge’s flaws and reminded us that he has no problem with saying things as they are and that he is as honest as they come.

Watch their performance below:


Il-Kapxi puts a smile on his viewers faces

Dec 13 2020 Share
Il-Kapxi has been a fan favourite throughout the first season of Malta’s Got Talent and tonight he came on stage wearing a sleeveless top.
He brings Maltese tradition as well as humour to the show and he does not fail to put a smile on his viewers faces.
He dedicated this performance to all the people who’ve lost their lives in firework factories over the years and ended his performance by dedicating a firework to all those affected by COVID-19.

Watch their performance below:


Concept of Movement just reminded us all why they got the Golden Buzzer

Dec 13 2020 Share

Concept of Movement have just delivered another stellar performance. They’ve once again wowed not only the judges but everyone who was watching them.

Each move was filled with a countless amount of emotion and incredible precision and this performance has reminded everyone exactly why they deserved that Golden Buzzer at the audition stage!

Watch their performance below:


Joemike & Lydon steals viewers heart

Dec 13 2020 Share

Joemike and Lydon stole viewers’ hearts ever since their audition. They are praised for raising awareness about Malta’s beautiful culture and the importance of keeping it alive!

This time they didn’t only bring the traditional Għana to the show but also traditional dancers to accompany them on stage for the finals.

As always, Lydon was the star of the show with his cute smile!

Watch their performance below:
